changing family patterns- divorce 2 Flashcards
chandler 2005-
apoximtly 40% of todays marriages will end in divorce, 7/10 applications for divorce now come from women. % drop in divorce 1995-2020 33.4% and 1993 most divorces 165,018
change in law- reason 1
-equalising the grounds1923 sharp inc in women’s divorce petitons
-widening the ground for divorce - to include irrevitbale brakedown in 1971 divorce doubled overnight.
-legal aid for divorce introduced 1941-more accessible as cheaper
couples find alternatives to divorce
desertation, legal seperation, empty sell mariges(living under same roof but only married in name), it is now easier and cheaper to divorce so these become less pop
reason 2: maternity individualism
beck and giddens
traditional norms of marrige having less influence in modern, free to peruse own interest. relationship fragile isn’t fufilling so pursue own selfish desires. people no longer see marrige as sacred duty but choice.
reason 2: maternity individualism
high expectations placed on marrige makes people less likely to stay in unhappy marriages/less tolerable . higher priority on ed people willing to place preference on ed and favour singleness way of life (girls educational achievement inc)
reason 2: maternity individualism
traditional relationship lost role within individualisation, comes from globalisation+tech=more aware of society=decline traditional family structure, attemts to discover own interest, rising expectations and get out of marrige
reason 3: feminist perspective/explanation
1848 radicle femisnit begun(suffragettes), liberal, black,social,marxist- the inc femsiit changes women’s desires to be independent as more aware. less people marry so decrease divorce rates. radicle feminist favour divorce as escape patriarchy less stigmas
reason 3: feminist perspective/explanation
women aware of patriachle opression=confiedent in rejection
reason 3: feminist perspective/explanation
women today have dual burden=divorce rates higher, home is unfavourable when compared to wrk and men refuse to do housework is fustrating= marrige unstable
reason 4- change in women’s positions
allows women to ‘call shots’ without pressures to get married, inc job opp
reason 4- change in women’s positions
allan and crow
marrige less impeded in economic system-when financially independent =encourgaed to leave toxic situations. no longer seek being economically dependent on husband, paid work more involved 67% 2013- 33% 1971
equal pay anti discrinmation law help reduce pay gap
decline on religious influence on society - churches opposition to divorce influence people less when making decisions+churches have reduced harsh view on divorce
changing patterns- statistics
rate 118k in 2012, meaning 40% marriages end in divorce, 6x higher than 1961. divorced fell 1990 as people weren’t getting married. those cohabiting before marriages with child or without mostly end in divorce.
theory new right
high rate negative as undermines marrige and traditional nuclear family- vital to social stability
theory feminist
high rate positive women free from oppression patriahcle society