changing family patterns-stepfamily/singlehood 3 Flashcards
one person hosueholds:
rise number of people living alone, many 65+, men under 65 also likely
reason 1 for lone parents patterns/one person household
inc divorce/serpation, new married women having children, lone parent used to be due to parter dying as before stigma around children outside/before marrige was high
reason2 for lone parents patterns/one person household renvolize
decline in people marrying, renvolize: proffeisonal women able to support their child without a father
lone parent families statistics
1/4 of children in lone parents families, 90% of this family type are lone mothers, they are twice as likely to be in poverty compared to two parents, since 1971 number of lone parents in Britain tripled
why lone parents families
inc divorce/dec marrige/dec stima/single by choice
why lone parents families: cashmore
wc women will choose single hood/lone parents and will use welfare befits to do so as they have been through abuse before
women are more likely to be head of lone parents
families of widespread belief expressive role, divorce courts giving women custodymore, les men willing to give up job/work for children
views on lone parents:single hood
-new right:murray
lone parents family’s tend to inc bc the state is over genouruse with welfar benefits, he says it areas perverse incentive=state rewards irresponsible behaviour(encouraging) due to having children w/o being able to afford it creating dependency culture
view on lone parents- new right
the rise of lone parent families is sign of decline of conventional family life. lone parent families source of social problems eg jovieilie crime
critisim of new right
they are more likely to be in poverty, prevent from working, inadequate welfare benefits, fathers fail to pay maintenance esp if have 2nd family
step families satistics
10% of all families with dependent family. two firths of all marriages are remarriages. 25% children experienced parents divorce
step famileis- Allan and crow
step families can have problem of divided loyalties, issues like contact with non resident parent.
ribbens macharthy et al - step families
over 50% of children who live with 2 households talk positive about divided life. their is diversity in this family type, some have tensions, some are similiar to ‘intact’ families
resons for step family pattern
-lone parents having new aprternships (more divorce)
-children more likely to stay with mum after divorce, explaining why children in step families are from women more
-mroe at risk of poverty= more children to care for and father may be supporting from another relationship
living appart together 9LAT
-inc in number of adults in significant relations but not married or coahbiting
may be bc some choose to stay in own home or can’t afford to live otgteher