Theory Evaluation Flashcards
Semiotics strengths
Can be used to unearth meanings of media text
Meaning is created by a media producer
Myths are easily recognisable and create meanings between groups
Meaning is easily denoted and can be extensive
Semiotics weaknesses
ignores the possibility for audience to have different readings (Hall)
- ignores the intentions of the producer in creating specific myths which influence audience understanding
- ignores the intentions of the producer in creating semiotics for power
- ignores the different ways audiences may use the text for pleasure
Binary oppositions strengths
- oppositions can help audience recognise genre
- oppositions can help audiences choose preferred uses and gratifications of media products
- oppositions can help the audience recognise the dominant hegemony in society and the message of the product
Binary oppositions weakness
ignores the possibility for the audience to have different readings (Hall)
- western media predominantly and consistently favours white over non-white causing damaging stereotypes (Gilroy)
- binary oppositions are reductive and can cause stereotyping (Hall) and reinforce patriarchal values (Van Zoonen)
- western gender binaries mask the complex nature of sexuality
Neale strengths
- understanding genre can help audiences determine specific uses, pleasures and gratifications of a media product (Katz and Blumler)
- genre can help an audience understand the binary opposition and position themselves
genre can help audiences decode meaning
Neale weaknesses
genres can influence audience ideologies through stereotyping and repeated representations
- media concentration has led to fewer experimental forms as producers rely on tried and tested formulas to garner mass appeal (Curran and Seaton)
- repeated mainstream genre tropes reflect the dominant hegemonic ideologies and these can exclude marginalised people
Postmodernism strengths
recognises the fluidity of current society and how the influx of media content is moving reality further away
- helps the audience consider the ‘larger than life’ constructions of reality on the media and if these are reflections of reality
- Hall - all reality is ‘re-presented’ and mediated in a way to promote the ideals of the dominant hegemony, which does not reflect the true state of being
Postmodernism weaknesses
media products have a clear relationship with reality as media texts represent and naturalise the world view of those who have power in society
- the contemporary digital world does not just result in hyperreal inertia, but can make a positive difference in the real world through the use of participatory culture (Jenkins)
- the use of the media for audiences to represent themselves ignores the choices audiences have made in their own representations and the choices audience make in engaging with this content to form their own identities
Todrov strengths
helps the audience recognise the social and cultural context and ideologies of the media product and how the problems are presented and then resolved
- allows the audience to understand the story and position themselves behind what is the ‘expected norm’
- helps confirm the genre of the narrative and proved the audience pleasure as the expected ‘resolution’ is achieved by the characters
Hall strengths
- audiences are able to recognise social groups and better understand the narrative
- representations reflect the dominant hegemony and intention of the media producer
- stereotypes help audiences understand characters, build character relatability and reinforce genre expectations
Hall weaknesses
ignores the fact that audiences may decode representation and codes in different ways
Gilroy - racial stereotypes are framed by cultural/social/historical aspects so it is harder to contest black stereotypes as they are so deeply entrenched into British cultural psyche
- the internet is allowing audiences to create their own representations which may subvert stereotypes/dominant hegemonies
Gilroy strengths
-the media reflects simplified representations and stereotypes of black communities which nurture fear and reinforce the dominant hegemony
- media organisations are predominantly white and western and will reflect this dominant hegemony, which will then influence the world (Gerbner)
Gilroy weaknesses
- ignores the fact that audiences can use a variety of media to create their own identities
- the internet allows audiences to create a wider array of representations than only those in the dominant hegemony
- new technology allows audiences to engage in participatory fan culture and form online communities
Van zoonen strengths
- representations of women can help position our understanding of historical/cultural context
- representations of women can help determine genre and influence audience’s pleasure/use of a product
- representations of women can help audiences understand the ideologies of the creator
Van zoonen weaknesses
- contemporary media products give audiences a much wider diversity of gender based identities to shape their identities and resist the ideological pull of the patriarchy (Gauntlett)
- the use of labels like ‘male’ and ‘female’ mask the complex nature of sexuality (Butler)
- audiences may read texts in a different wat than the original encoding (Hall)
- marginalised women will always be represented as less powerful than their white counterparts (hooks)