Assasins Creed Flashcards
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Representations of violent behaviour can lead to audience members imitating what they see.
There is a lot of motiveless violence in the game. It is key to the protagonist and somewhat glamorised violence on this level could spark fears that the violence could be imitated. However it treats the audience as passive and ignores other influences in their lives and that may have an impact on their behaviour.
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The idea that fans are active participants in the construction and circulation of textual meanings. Video games are fairly unique and the games narrative is largely controlled by the player. The online community is much more vocal in how it understands games through reviews and video walk-through on YouTube. There are different interpretations of how the game should be played and what the overall aims are.
Apply livingstone and Lunt to assassins creed
A change in consumption leads to less regulation. in the past when games would be bought you would need to go into a store and would be asked for ID, however now it can be easily accessed online and downloaded. It is easy to lie about your age and many would be playing under age technological developments have led to this.
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Avilene goes against the hook theory of how women of colour betrayed in the media.
She says that black women are portrayed as sexualised other to a white mouse spectator however liberation places the player as a woman of colour and focus the narrative on her development and her ability rather than displaying her as a sexual object for the white spectator male spectator. This could be seen as recognition from Ubisoft that gaming audiences are becoming more diverse. However, it could also be argued that this decision from Uso to release liberation as a smaller companion piece alongside assassins Creed three with Connor as its player character might indicate that mainstream media companies are still having dated to the desires of a patriarchal society that priorities is male experiences.
Representation of women in video games
The representation of women in video games often receives an oppositional response. Female characters are either misrepresented through reinforcement stereotypes such as being a damsel industrious who needs to be rescued by man or females are completely under represented in the narrative. However, this game focuses on a female protagonist with a strong fighting role this is likely to change the target audience and audience response.
Preferred reading of assassins creed
Women to feel part of the gaming community by being able to see part of themselves within the game. In the trailer Avelina is seen to be fighting many male guards on her own, subverting the past week stereotypes of female characters in video games where a character such as princess peach is kidnapped in 13 of the 14 games she appears in, and always needs rescuing by one of the male characters.
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Women are often unrealistically represented in video games to appeal to a male spectator. Characters such as Larchcroft are clearly displayed a sexual objects there to target a hecto male audience. Lars body is extremely out proportion and her character wears tight and revealing clothing. This informs the van Zan‘s theory of the female body as a spectacle.however, have subverted this theory within the character of Avilene. She is the first female playable character in the franchise. Her intelligence and performance as an assassin is prioritised over her physical appearance.
Moral panic
Reaction based on exaggerated or false perceptions about crime. Video games cause more panic as people believed it made children violent and more likely to commit violent crimes