Theories of Each Theorists & Lec 12. Binswanger Flashcards
Harry Stack Sullivan
Interpersonal Theory/Interpersonal Psychoanalysis/Interpersonal Theory of Psychiatry
Erik Erikson
Post Freudian Theory/Ego Psychology/Contemporary Psychoanalytic Theory
Erich Fromm
Humanistic Psychoanalysis
Karen Horney
Psychoanalytic Social Theory
Melanie Klein
Object Relations Theory
Alfred Adler
Individual Psychology
Carl Jung
Analytical Psychology
Sigmund Freud
Classical Psychoanalytical Theory
Abraham Maslow
Humanistic/Existential Theory
Ludwig Binswanger
Existential Psychology
Existential Psychology views human person as
Views human person as ongoing, changing and continually striving towards a future state of fulfillment.
Dasein means
Being (sein) and There (da)
For existentialists, Dasein means
Dasein means a dynamic state, a continual process, the state of being something not yet realized.
Fro existentialists, dasein employs
employs the phenomenological method for analyzing human existence.
Man possesses
free will and is responsible for his existence
Ludwig Binswanger nationality and year of birth
Born in 1882 in Switzerland
Binswanger’s family was deeply involved in
medical and psychiatric tradition
Binswanger’s gradfather founded the?
Also named Ludwig, founded the Bellevue Sanatorium
Father of Binswanger
Robert, direvtor of the Bellevue Sanatorium when Anna O. was hospitalised there
Uncle of Binswanger
Otto discovered the Alzheimer-like disease (Binswanger’s disease)
Binswanger worked under
Eugene Bleuler and Carl Jung
Eugene Bleuler
coined schznizoprenia
Binswanger is the first
First of Swiss followers of Freud; he did not actually reject psychoanalysis but went beyond Freud’s framework
Existential Psychology as view of natute of personality may be defined as
may be defined as an empirical science of human existence that employs the method of phenomenological (collective experience) analysis.
Existential psychology is based on a
based on a philosophical concept of man
existence comes from the root word exist, which literally means “to emerge, to stand out” and this is exactly the main concern of Binswanger.
Binswanger in View of Nature of Personality described man as
He described man as emerging and becoming in his entirety and not as a collection of mechanisms or dynamics that seeks to understand rather than to explain phenomena.
Binswanger’s concern with the being of a person is
probably best expressed by emphasizing the “existence” and the “essence” of man.
View of Nature: Dasein means
To be there
Dasein is translated as
Dasein Analysis
psychotherapy approach of Edmund Hussere and Martin Heidegger
Man is the being of who is
Being “there” in the sense that
in the sense that he can know he is there and can take a stand with reference to that fact.
The “world around” or non-personal
includes the biological drives, needs and instincts of the individual.
“With the World” includes the meaning of the world of fellow beings or the meaning of a person’s relationship with others
the meaning that the others design into the social relationship.
“Own World” is the mode of relationship with one’s self identity.
not restricted to the inner subjective world but includes one’s subjective reactions to the world at large.
What is not accepted by the existentialists?
Genetic Explanation
Existentialists rather believe that
the whole existence is a historical event
For existentialists, history does not
consist of stages but different modes of existence
means centering upon the existing person
Existentialism places the enphasis on
the human being as he is emerging, becoming
Existentialism emohasizes the
living immediacy of experience as the individual lives it
Differebce of emphasis between existential Psychology and Psychoanalysis
Consequently, the emphasis is on the HERE and NOW, in contrast to psychoanalysis where the past experiences are vital in understanding the behavior.
For existentialists, man dwell not solely in
´For existentialists, man dwell not solely in the past but also in the present and future.
Existential psychology treats persobality on the basis of
Existential psychology treats personality on the basis of the decisions that a person makes.
What determines the future?
Present decisions determine the future.
A healthy person in existentialist perspective
A healthy person is one who has the courage to live and act at his best and find meaning in his existence.