Lecture 1: Personality Flashcards
Origin of Personality
“persona” w/c was derived from the theatrical masks worn during the Romans in Greek and Latin Drama
Came from two Latin words
“per” and “sonare” - to sound through
Definition of personality
totality of an individual’s qualities w/c includes temperament, interest, ability and habits which determine one’s unique adjustment to his environment
Another definition of personality
a pattern of relatively permanent traits and unique characteristics that give both consistency and individuality to a person’s behavior (Roberts & Mroczek, 2008)
Relatively permanent?
did something out of ordinary caused by state of mind
Unique set of characteristics?
no two persons are alike; people changes over time
Trait Definition and Example
relative permanent individual characteristics
Ex. Outgoing friendly, or shy
State Definition and Example
Temporary change in one’s personality
Usually to describe a person’s reaction to something (unexpected)
Ex: angry, depressed, fearful, envious
3 Factors that Determine and Influence Personality
Genetic and Hereditary Factors, Environmental Factors and Cultural Factors
In genetics and Hereditary factors, how many percent of traits are attributed to hereditary factors inherited from parents and what does it underscores?
Based on the research study, approximately 40% of traits are attributed to hereditary factors inherited from parents. This underscores the significant role of genetics in shaping various characteristics.
2 Types of Attributes in Genetics and Hereditary Factors
External and Internal Attributes
External Attributes
Physical traits
Internal Attributes
condition of nervous system, endocrine system and I.Q
In internal attributes, what does research suggests? What does it highlights?
Child’s IQ is influenced by the mother
Cognitive Abilities related to careers and roles are inherited from the father
It highlights the interplay between parental influences in shaping both intellectual capacities and vocational inclinations
Environmental Factors are?
Primary Group includes
• family, playmates, neighbourhood.
• Parents’ predisposition influences children’s personality
What is predisposition?
refers to an increased likelihood or susceptibility to develop a certain condition or trait, indicating a higher risk of acquisition.
Secondary Group includes
school environment, classmates (common interest), teachers (profession), organizations/clubs (purpose or goals) and exposure to different forms of media (online personality)
10 cultural factors
Smooth Interpersonal Relationship, Hiya, Bahala na, Ningas Kugon, Utang na Loob, Hospitality, Amoral Familism, Filipino Time, Crab Mentality, Amor Propio
Smooth Interpersonal Relationship
an ability to get along with other in such a way that any signs of conflicts are avoided
3 types of Smooth Interpersonal Relationship
Pakikisama, Go-Between, and Euphemism
Pakikisama Definition
peer pressure
acts as the spokesperson, mediator and channel; security blanket
involves the use of softened, indirect language to convey unpleasant or sensitive concepts; often referred to as “sugar coating” through the use of more delicate and refined words.
Definition of Hiya
inhibits self-assertion to avoid being in a conflict
Difference of Walang hiya to Walangya
Walang hiya - someone who is assertive and outspoken while maintaining awareness of their boundaries and position
Walangya - pertains to being disrespectful and invasive of someone’s privacy.
Positive Effect of Hiya
knows where to stand
Familiary Breeds Contempt
excessive familiarity can lead to a loss of respect, causing individuals to overlook boundaries and invade others’ privacy; highlights the importance of maintaining a balance between comfort and respect.
Bahala na
fatalistic resignation
Aka. catch fire-niñgas, fast burning grass-kugon
enthusiasm at the start that fades
Sa umpisa lang magaling; not persevering
Utang na Loob
Reciprocity of gratitude
Sometimes used for blackmailing
welcoming others to one’s home
Unique attribute of Filipinos
Amoral Familism
tendency to become exclusive in groups
Tayo-tayo lang attitude
Filipino Time
tendency to arrive one hour later than what was agree
Crab Mentality
pulling down others so as not to threaten position or power
2 Methods Of Assessing Personality
Erroneous Methods and Scientific Methods
2 Types of Erroneous Methods
First Impression and Pseudo Scientific
First Impression
based on physical appearance
In a person, you saw a glimpse of personality but must not believe that this lasts
3 types of assessing personality in Pseudo- scientific
Physiognomy – physical features, most esp. facial features
Phrenology- size and shape of skull
Graphology- handwriting
3 types of Scientific Methods
Objective Test, Behavioral Method, Projective Techniques
Objective Test
written test of self-rating
IQ test, personality test, interest test
RA 10021 - RPms are permitted to use objective and behavioral methods
Behavioral Method
interview and life history method
Interview: clinical - patients, collaborative - family or people close to the patient
record taking of one’s life from birth to present
Projective Techniques
• ambiguous test stimuli to be responded
Given by psychologists
• Higher level of test
• Based on the psychodynamic assumption that the test taken will transfer (project) unconscious conflicts and motivation with an ambiguous stimulus.
• cannot manipulate because there is a lot of dynamics
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