theology of religions - inclusivism Flashcards
what is theological inclusivism?
God can be known and encountered in non-Christian religions; Jesus can offer salvation without a person having an explicit Christian faith.
what are the general points behind inclusivism?
- God is loving and fair so must make it possible for all people to be saved
- Jesus died for everyone so his actions must affect non-christians
- Members of non-Christian religions often behave in a way that a Christian should
- God is creator, thus we only need natural theology
- Maintains belief in sola christus
How does Parable of sheep and the goats show inclusivism
It is eschatological parable that proclaims at the end of the world Jesus will divide the nations into sheep and goats. The sheep’s will be offered salvation as they were moral and by being good, they followed Jesus’ will. Those who did not be moral are condemned. This suggests good works can offer salvation.
St Pauls speech to the Athenians
‘They [gentials] demonstrate that Gods law is written in their hearts’
what is an anonymous Christian?
They do not hold an explicit faith in Christianity but through good works and morality they behave in a way that is expected of a Christian. making them a Christian unknowingly.
what type of inclusivism did Rahner follow?
structural inclusivism
What was Rahner’s inclusivist theory?
we all have a sensus divinitatus
agreed with Augustine on human ontological condition and that Jesus is required for Salvation
what did Rahner mean by inculpably ignorant?
Those who have not had the opportunity to follow Christ or hear the Gospels should be offered salvation if they have good works instead. People can be following the example of Jesus unknowingly.
define votum ecclesiae implicitum
Those wanting Grace by following a non-Christian religion could be sufficient to receive God’s grace since they could be seen as having an implicit desire for the church
what does the Catechism of the RCC teach on inclusivism
God can lead those who without no fault of their own are ignorant to the gospel as long as they follow the natural law and its precepts
what is anonymous Christianity?
community of people of who are non-Christian but are faithful to their religion
what is the Catch of being inculpably ignorant?
if a previously ignorant person is introduced to Christianity, they no longer have the excuse to reject the gospel
how are people before Jesus saved for Rahner?
we cannot limit God and assume he could not save those before Christ. Much like we must have faith in Jesus they must have had faith in the Davidic messiah to come.
Rahner on the afterlife?
Death is not the end of life - people may be given oppurtunity to accept gospels here
what is restrictive inclusivism?
other religions are preparations for salvation but not enough - The Gospels must be accepted by the end.
what does Rahner mean by open Catholicism?
the church is not a closed exclusive community but open to the possibility of truth and salvation outside of Christianity
what are the strengths of inclusivism?
sheep and the goat’s scripture
doesnt limit the sacrifice of jesus - he died for everyone - including those before jesus/God - not limiting god love either. doesnt limit it because he can save as many people as possible not just christians
limitations of inclusivism
he tries to maintain importance of sola Christus but really argues natural knowledge is sufficient
Kraemer argues that other religions are just constructs and thus non-Christians cannot be offered salvation
watered down version of Christianity
it is not realistic
D’Costa believed that confession and absolution of sin are necessary for salvation only accessible in Christianity
christ died for the sins of everyone - but calvin says there was a limited atonement and he only died for the elect
pointless most people are aware of christianity
offensive to other religions and dismissive
A01 for rahner inclusivism
semen religionis
st paul
structural inclusivism
anonymous christian
inculpably ignorant
votum eclessiae implicitum
open Catholicism
restrictive inclusivism
what is the latin for inclucivism
votum ecclesiae implicitum