Bonhoeffer - civil disobedience Flashcards
how did Bonhoeffer die?
he was hanged in 1945 for smuggling Jewish people to Switzerland and for alleged involvement in an assassination attempt on Hitler.
why did Bonhoeffer return to Germany?
he returned in order to live in solidarity with the German people in a time of political crisis.
define solidarity
unanimity and unity, standing with people
what is civil disobedience?
rebelling against laws of the state which are considered unjust in an act of protest
Christianity’s relationship with the state
recognised as the official religion
explain historical establishment of the church
In Europe during the reign of the Holy Roman Emperor there was a divine right to rule which linked the authority of the church to the state. There’s a political doctrine of ‘divine right of kings’
Luthers view on power of the Church
-believed disobeying the church can be necessary to live an authentic Christian life
-disagreed with abuse of RC
an example of Luther disobeying the church
He sparked the protestant reformation by nailing a copy of his 95 theses, which opposed the RC usage of indulgences, on the church door of the Wittenberg castle church
how did the political doctrine of the divine right of kings influence the followers of Hitler
They saw him as chosen by God thus wanted to follow him as he had a divine right
Hermann Gruners source of Nazi ideology
“Hitler is the way of the Spirit and the will of God for the German people to enter the Church of Christ”
when would civil obedience be justified in Christianity
it could be seen that obedience to Gods will is disobeying that state if their views are acting contrary to Christian principles
scriptural support for civil obedience
‘the authorities that exist have been established by God’ romans
Bonhoeffers view on civil disobedience
NT teaches Christians have a duty to follow leaders unless they’re working against the state the civil disobedience could be justified.
what did Bonhoeffer mean by terrible alternatives
in some cases, civil disobedience is the best that can be done even though it is not Good in itself. For example, in Nazi Germany. As long as its motivated by faith hope and love.
Bonhoeffers guilt
Civil disobedience doesn’t make him Good but ‘Guilty and blackened by duty’.
what did Bonhoeffer mean by theological mandate of disobedience and what did he call for
he called for a single-minded disobedience much like Peter who instantly followed God to walk on water. follow Jesus not the state when they’re infiltrating the established church doctrines
obedience to …
a heretical church government is disobedience to Christ
examples of Bonhoeffer living out the theological mandate of disobedience
1933 Radio Broadcast: ‘The Younger Generation’s Altered View of the Fuhrer’ – critical of what he called the ‘leadership principle’
Works for the Abwehr (German military intelligence service) under the ploy that his ecumenical contacts are advantageous, but all the while working for the resistance (Widerstand)
Influential in the Confessing Church and secret seminary at Finkenwalde
Arrested in 1943 for smuggling Jews to Switzerland, later implicated (perhaps wrongfully according to some scholars) in a plot to assassinate Hitler
what is the leadership principle
Civil disobedience rest on the idea that it is possible for laws to be unjust and that it may be a moral obligation to disobey them
Bonhoeffer quote - call to action
Silence in the face of evil is in itself evil
limits of civil disobedience
scriptural disagreement - propositional revelation
could lead to greater harm
when can we agree to disobey and follow Christ
bonhoeffer lived in an extreme time
bonhoeffers assination goes against the bible
what was schmermunds view?
Schmermund: few would disagree that laws are created by fallible men and women and thus it can be imperfect and reflect the prejudices of the time in which they are enacted
relating to augustine
strengths of civil disobedience
- always relevant because leaders are sinful ( augustine) we should be preapred to go against these leaders
- schermund
- Luther - 95 theses opposing indulgences
- scripture interprets scripture it is clear following jesus is more important than the state