liberation theology Flashcards
what is liberation theology?
- a theological movement that began in Latin America when young Catholics wanted to find the Christian message in poverty.
- an intellectual and practical movement with the poor
name leading liberation theologians
- jon sobrino
- Gustavo Gutierrez
what is conscientisation?
- the process in which a person becomes aware of the power structures found within society
orthopraxy meaning
right practice
orthodoxy meaning
right belief
does orthopraxy or orthodoxy come first
orthopraxy comes before orthodoxy
what are Christian base communities?
This was the response to the poverty in Latin America in which theologians discused how they can help the poor, challenges they faced and their experiences
how put forward conscientisation in LT?
paulo Freire
what is structural sin?
uses marxism to analyse deeper cause of stuctural sin that have resulted in injustice.
Inequality is at the centre of society and this structural inequality leads tp structural sin.
This is deeper than any individual level of sin.
capitalism has not worked since it has brought about these oppressive power structures in which praxis is needed to be liberated from.
structural sin is highest form of alienation.
the underside of history (the por) become driveres of this action from structural sin (Gutierezze)
Jesus as liberator in LT
leonardo boff - describes how the mission of jesus was to challenge systems of power and take part in social change
arguments from jesus being a liberator
- teachings were daring at the time - such as suggesting we should help those below us - good samaritan etc
what does praxis mean
social action
Guttierez and praxis
called for first step, second step praxis
first step in Guttierez praxis
experiencing poverty and oppression and siding with the marginalised - doing action
second step in Guttierez praxis
actively engaging theologically and trying to bring about transformation after biblical/theological application
what does orthopraxy comes before orthodoxy mean?
- action should come first and then theological explanation
- it requires Christians to reflect critically on their life experiences
what is the kingdom of God for LT?
- it is a new world
- not a place after death
- it is something that is hoped for and worked for in this world
- christians must destroy the roots of exploitation and opression by being a Christian in hope for kingdom of God on Earth
- implies real revolution
whos idea was structural sin?
what are the two ways liberation happens for guitieerez?
- one way - must be a social and economic liberation - humans are the cause and must seek solutions to fix it
- second way - liberated from sin and reuinited with God - as a collective
Guitierezz contribution to liberation theology overall
- orthopraxy comes before orthodoxy
- first step, second step praxis
- structural sin
- theology needs to be done from the underside of history
what does preferential option for the poor
refers to the trend in the Bible that shows a preference for that marginalised and how Jesus associated himself with the poor
who is associated with preforntial option for the poor
what biblical story is associated with preforential option for the poor
parable of the sheep and the Goats
explain exodus
God sent Moses to save the Israelites AS God heard their cries and would not let them suffer - he helps the oppressed
how can parable of the sheep and the goats show pref option for poor
because those who helped the poor were saved and they were seen as helping jesus who is associted with the poor
theology need to be done from the underside of histroy …
Guitierezz amongst the people
from the people at the bottom of the hierarchy
what is considered the birthdate of liberation theology?
the medellin confrence (CELAM)
what was the medellin confrence (CELAM)
meeting for latin amercian council and proclaimed the church must not be indifferent in the poverty issues
Gutierrez said that God loves everyone equally in thegeneralsense, however, in specific contexts he has aparticularconcern for those who suffer. Thus in the particular or specific sense he has a preferential option for the poor.
psalm quote about God is God of the oppressed
’ father to the fatherless’
what were cardinal Ratzingers concerns of LT?
- dangerous to use marxism in theology because it contains intolerant aspects
- concerned that they misrepresent the Bible and ignore key Christian ideas this is because they do praxis first then Bible
- exagerates the passages about the poor when their is more than this such as love etc
LOVE criticism
- Reductionist approach to Gods love - means love for the poor rather than something more universalist
- Gods omnibenevolence is loving everyone
Problem with LT interpretation of the Kingdom of God
- it is not Biblical and ignores key Christian eschataological teachings for example parousia. It is not something we achieve through praxis
Problems with exodus
- it becomes central to LT when the crucifixion and resurrection should be the most important salvation event such that it is only through Jesus and God that people can be saved
issues with orthopraxy
orthopraxis coming before orthodoxy disvalues scripture and suggests belief does not matter when it does for Christians it is an essential part of christanity
issues with structural sin
- need to recognise personal sin is the problem and one we overcome the oppressive societal structures will also be dealt with
kraemer exclusivist could be used
- Christianity should be valued as a whole system we cannot cherry pick aspects that we need for our theory we accept it all and the whole would suggest that people themselves cannot gain liberation
Kloppenburgs Criticisms
- sidelines the spiritual message within Christianity and and equate theology with political action
- structural sin when the Bible discusses reconcilliation for individuals
- too much emphasis on people being able to get liberation when true lib/salvation is a gift from God and cannot be gained through human merit (Augustine)
meaning of name francis
st francis = known for simple life style and affiliation with the poor
francis first papal letter
the joy of the gospel - evangelii Gaudim
what was the Evangelii Gaudim
- pope Francis first papal encyiclical
- including a criticism of capitalism and a concern for the poor
‘ a poor church for the poor’
pope bennedict main atiitude
the promise is that when the glass was full it would overflow bennefitting the poor but what happens instead is when the glass is full it gets bigger and doesnt benefit the poor
is LT more relevant
- as society changes christianity should otherwise it wont have followers
- reuther reinterpret the Bible and Bonhoeffer
- christians should be open to God moving in new ways in context of societal changes
‘faith without…
‘faith without works is dead’ Apostle James
A01 overview
- liberation theology origins - melledin confrence
- christian base comunities
- conscientsation
- structural sin
- jesus liberator
- praxis
- hemerneutical circle
- preferntial option for the poor
- God is a God of the oppressed
in what two ways has marxism engaged with liberation theology?
1- its analysis of social sin and the power structurs. Structural sin, which has caused violance and injustice
2 - through a revolution and new society - (second coming of jesus)
LT has engaged TOO much with Marxism
- lost sight of the importance of Jesus’ resurection
- Rejects other important themes from the Bible
- kloppenburg, wrong to suggest that praxis can gain us second earth this is not true, grace, doesnt fit with eschatology. not spiritual enough
- Marxism denys God so theology shouldnt engage
Lt hasnt engaged enough with Marxism
- Mraxism calls for an uprising
- ## Dilute Marx - too spiritual and not literal
marxism tackles social issues more effectively than theology
- yes bacsue theology is it focused on the afterlife and is too spiritual
- revolution of marx is most effective since tackles issues directly
- ais to bring people to their true nature, better goal
what is the hermeneutical circle
act - bible - act and this is a continuous loop