Feminism - Daly Flashcards
what type of feminist is Daly?
post Christian radical feminist
what does it mean to be a post Christian radical feminist?
Views the church as a major source of a abuse of women throughout history. Believes feminist’s can retain Christian values but does not believe in the traditional values. we need to completely rebuild society.
Thinks that men and women should abandon Christianity to exorcise the demons out of the patriarchy and follow the spiritual forces within nature
how Did Daly view lesbianism?
Heterosexual relationships disempower women and thus women are more empowered in lesbian relationships
men are inherently aggressive whilst women are caring
what does Daly mean by Be-ing
biblical language is androcentric
so we should castrate God as a being and view him as be-ing
he is something people do
so we can embrace them spiritually
this allows us to challenge systems of oppression of jsut being the way things are and instead they re something we conform and adhere to
which encourages change and liberation form the opressisve phalocentric forces in society
what is the unholy trinity and what was it caused by?
the unholy trinity consists of war rape and genocide and is a result of the global celebration of phallocentric power (PP) . Men have unmerited privilege and power which has led them to feel entitled to partake in ‘rape culture’ and subdue women.
Sodom and Gomorrah
men come to house a house requesting for the man but the owner of the house offers his virgin daughter and concubine of his male guest instead to beaten and raped
who are armchair rapists?
these are men who get pleasure from rape stories and abuse of women as it reinforces their sense of power and domination
how does genocide coincide with rape for Daly?
both equally objectify their victims and the object is not seen as a person but a means
how does war fit into the trinity for Daly?
in society there is a ‘phallic mentality’ that leads to violence and war which we need to step away from. Men often defend war in the guise of necessity and then deprive people of abortion and euthanasia as an attempt to maintain their power.
what is the gender caste system?
men are given an unequal large proportion of power which is reinforced through social and cultural constructs from birth, giving men the power to treat women as slaves. Sadly this is accepted at the norm.
what is transvaluation?
Society is under imprisonment and requires a complete re-evaluation of existing values like Nietzsche she argued the death of God and christianity is necessary to do this
what is the passive self?
what is the energetic creative self?
for daly who can only be truly dionysian?
what is the apollonian veil?
falsely created ideas , in which women believe, that prevent women from growing into their natural dionysian self. Only women can remove this veil
what is the foreground for daly?
false patriarchal world which is sucking the life out of women and nature
who are snools?
men in power
who are henchwomen ?
women who gain power from snools and buy into patriarchy instead of reaching for liberation and transvaluation
If god is…
male then male is God
what is the antichurch for Daly?
women need to unite and form a sisterhood that stands in opposition to the traditional church. They should explore eOld Religion
who can be spiritual for Daly?
only women through a process of self-realisation. Foreground world displays male centred, false image that opresses women unknowingly. In films and songs.
what did Daly say about nature and women?
Earlier times women had achieved a spiritual relationship with nature which has been tarnished through patriarchal schemes using the justification of God.
male domination is responsible for degrading the created world and must be replaced through femenism which will provide human flourishment as well as natural
what did Daly think about language and God?
it is not sufficient to present God in female terms such as God/Goddess
since it would still be male in essence - lip service
God has been male for too long we cannot just accept this and make him a her
God needs to be castrated through the reformulation of language
why could Dalys view of men being aggressive and competitive be harmful?
she is posing gender essentialism through defining men as ontologically aggressive, this perhaps polarises gender and doesn’t create equality. This view could also reinforce phallocentric power if men are being told it is a part of their very being then there is nothing they could do about it.
Why is radical lesbian feminism limited?
women can autonomously choose to be with a man and we should not exclude these women from feminism but empower women for whoever they choose to date.
what did Annette Baier argue?
developed virtue ethics and believed both men and women are motivated by different virtues. But women’s virtues have been overlooked. A union of these virtues is necessary so each each gender morality
what was hampsons view and does it agree with Daly?
Hampson argued that Christianity is innately misogynistic and rooted in a patriarchal world hence cannot be reformed.
The scriptural roots, which are from the past, are incompatible with modern day feminism.
This supports Daly
how could Kraemer support Daly?
As an exclusivist , he would argued that the whole system of the Bible should be understood and from doing this it is clear it is more sexist than not. Since it was written by men as well we cannot simply refer to God as a woman but we should completley reevaluate the Bible.
how could Bonhoeffer go against Daly?
Whilst there should be no rusty swords left in the bible we can discern Gods will in modern day to understand morality transvaluation is not necessary
why do some feminists see a problem with the idea of a transcendent God?
possibly belief in a god who is totally different from the world is a major cause of sexism
this is because belief in a transcendent creator creates a master-slave relationship which reinforces patriarchal hierarchy
whilst daly seems radical what is her pressing issue with religion?
what she rejected was really the formal institutional religion model and its doctrines and forms of control
she believes these doctrines have been developed by men to favour men
so much that even calling god female would not change his male essence
what does transvaluation require?
complete castration of God
aboloshing God and all ideas surrouding them to be replaced with authentic human existnce
what is the patrairchal world categorised into?
the foreground and background
what effect has a male God had?
‘if God is male, then male is God’
it has made males feel as only them can be powerful and as part of the imago dei are closer to God.
This is a false spirituality the maleness of God is an invention of the patriarchy
Deuteronomy 21
it states that after a victory in war, soldiers are free to take one of the defeated enemy’s women as a wife