This class was created by Brainscape user lily turner. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Augustine- human nature key terms
Define caritas,
Define cupiditas,
Define concupiscence
28  cards
Augustine on human nature
How are his views on women harmful,
How are his views on sexuality ha...,
What is prelapserian theology a01
15  cards
Personhood of Jesus Christ
What parable shows jesus as a tea...,
What is the sermon on the mount a...,
What did hick say about how jesus...
32  cards
HELL @@@@@@@@@@@@
How is hell described in scripture,
Lazurus decsiption of hell,
Who parable suggests hell is a re...
25  cards
Traditional views on purgatory an...,
Where did roman catholics interpr...,
What is intercession
14  cards
Traditional views on heaven,
Revelation quote for heaven,
What is heaven inspired by jesus ...
20  cards
judgement and election
What is the question on judgement...,
What is a particular judgement,
What is final judgement
48  cards
Christian moral principles
What is theonomous ethics,
What is a propositional revelation,
What is a non propositional revel...
35  cards
Bonhoeffer - civil disobedience
How did bonhoeffer die,
Why did bonhoeffer return to germany,
Define solidarity
23  cards
Bonhoeffer - church as a community
What did bonhoeffer mean by churc...,
What did bonhoeffer mean by visib...,
What two quotes show show bonhoef...
17  cards
Bonhoeffer - discipleship
What is discipleship,
What was bonhoeffers issue with t...,
Jesus showing moral action
13  cards
knowledge of Gods existence
What was polkinghorne s view on k...,
What is natural theology,
What is revealed theology
33  cards
theology of religions - exclusivism
What is theological exclusivism,
Soteriology meaning,
What are the 5 solas
18  cards
theology of religions - inclusivism
What is theological inclusivism,
What are the general points behin...,
How does parable of sheep and the...
20  cards
theology of religions - pluralism
What is theological pluralism,
What did panikkar think,
John scripture for pluralism
11  cards
pluralism and society
What is globalisation,
What facilitates globalisation,
How has globalisation effected re...
29  cards
Jesus Christ fact test
What is the jesus of history in a...,
What did taticus find,
What did josephus do
13  cards
Feminism - Daly
What type of feminist is daly,
What5 does it mean to be a post c...,
How did daly view lesbianism
35  cards
Feminism - Reuther
What type of feminist is reuther,
Basis of reuthers feminism,
What is the hermeneutic of suspicion
23  cards
gender and society
Pltatos early views of women and ...,
Aristotles views of women,
Aristotles essentialist views of ...
27  cards
What ways does jose casanova defi...,
What does secularisation mean,
What is secularism
41  cards
Who is marx,
What is alienation,
What is the marxist application t...
16  cards
liberation theology
What is liberation theology,
Name leading liberation theologians,
What is conscientisation
51  cards

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