Heaven Flashcards
how is heaven described in revelation
- revelation describes heaven as a place with angels worshiping God with a trumpet, throne and an alter
- heaven a built city
revelation quote for heaven
the i saw ‘a new heaven and a new earth’
what is heaven inspired by jesus second coming
heaven will be on earth as the transformation and perfection of creation - a physical entity - this is when Christ will return to earth - the parousia
what will the ‘new earth’ be
it will return to prelasperian conditions, what was intended of life during the times of adam and eve.
the messiah would return and people will willining live under Gods rule
what is the beatific vision?
everlasting bliss - eternal moment of being in the presence of God rather than a physical place where time passes
who is the scholar for the beatific vision?
what would spiritual heaven be like?
spiritual union with God
restore relationship with man and God
no sin
‘supreme and definitive happiness’
God is revealed and all doubts will be revealed
what are catholic beliefs of heaven as a spiritual place?
our souls join God outside of time
our bodies are subject to time but our souls are not
our soul enters heaven
therefore not a physical place
transcendent God and transcendent souls are in harmony and union together
tillich views on heaven as a symbol…
a mere symbol of earthly bliss and nothing more. It signifies moral virtue in which you help others.
how are Tillich views reflected in the parable of Lazarus?
the rich man is denied heaven on account of him acting unkind towards the poor suggesting heaven is a means of moral development and motivation for good and social action.
support for heaven as a spiritural state
- kantian ethics and the summum bonnum
- our bodies are subject to decay how would it be physical
- jesus says ‘truly i tell you tody you will be with me paradise’ this suggests heaven is instant and spiritual (not transformation and perfection of creation)
against heaven as a spiritual state
- relies on dualism and belief in the soul which many have argued not true - Dawkins and Aristotle
- not scriptural
support for heaven as REAL.
- scriptural - respects teachings on parousia
- NT Wright agreed that heaven must be the perfection of new earth, where the soverign ruler will come to us, bringing heaven and earth together.
- jesus had a physical bodily resssurection - doubting thomas
- liberation theologians - real place on earth once we have been liberated from opressive forces of social power
- kant
over view of a01 for heaven
1) heaven is the transformation and perfection of creation - Parousia - new earth and revelation quote
2) spiritual - Aquinas - beatific vision
3) traditional views
4) Tillich - heaven as a symbol
what is the relationship between our souls and God in heaven
souls are transcendent and in union with God
what did Bernard Williams argue?
heaven would be boring for an eternity we are motivated by challenges and enjoy them
to appreciate happiness suffering is required - Irenaeus
how does kant believe in heaven?
he though ought implied can
we ought to achieve the summum bonnum so we can
not all can achieve this in earth so there must be a heaven in which we can achieve it
how would liberations support heaven as a tranformation?
symbolic for Christians standing in solidarity and helping the opressed and poor. It is about christians following moral action and trasofmring earth.
what does ACTs suggest about heaven
- jesus had a physical body which ascended to heaven - suggesting a physical place
against heaven as a real place
- Bernard williams pointed out that a real endless time would become boring, we are creaters motiavted by challenge and dismay. (irenaeus and easthetic uality argument) - there would be a motivational collapse
- the problem of freewill - how would we be free when living in Gods prescence - for Hick there is an epistemic distance so that we may love God freely