Bonhoeffer - church as a community Flashcards
what did Bonhoeffer mean by Church should be a community?
they must share a sense of spiritual discipline learning to listen and discern Gods will through prayer - TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!! EMPHASIS ON DOING IT TOGETHER
what did Bonhoeffer mean by visible community
the church must work together to promote righteous moral action among humanity that can be seen and if this is done God will speak to the community
what two quotes show Bonhoeffers inspiration from the bible?
sermon on the mount
you are the light of the world
you are the salt of the Earth
what did Bonhoeffer think Christians should be?
light and salt
what did Bonhoeffer mean by being light?
standing up for others. For Bonhoeffer being silent in the face of evil is evil in itself we, should shine this goodness and light with others
It is important that light is shone in density and being a part of a church community because that when will Christianity achieve things for scoiety
what did Bonhoeffer mean by religionless Christianity?
as the world becomes increasingly secular Christianity loses its Status, power and Wealth. So, society becomes living examples of Jesus. It’s about helping others, feeding the hungry etc. Embarrassing the outcasts and preaching forgiveness in our communities.
A community movement.
what was the confessing church?
created as a reaction to Hitlers German Christian movement.
What was the Barmen Declaration?
created largely by Barth - primary loyalty for Christians is Christ and they should reject any teachings that do not reflect the Church
what is Finkenwalde?
training people in spiritual discipline - discern Gods will through prayer - Through meditation, the Bible etc
One of the main skills was telling people to Listen to God
He wanted people to be able to listen to God
what did Bonhoeffer mean by spiritual discipline?
listening to God and working out what he wants you to do. He believed God can speak to people on an individual level.
what does it mean for Christians to be salt?
being called to be different and stand apart from society to do goodness
Overall, what is Bonhoeffers point?
The church should form a community in a religionless Christianity in which we discern Gods will, act in solidarity with those who suffer, becoming living examples of Jesus to form and build a safer virtuous society.
explain Mary and Martha
Luke - Two sisters who had taken in Jesus to their home. Martha was trying to be hospitable, but Mary sat before Jesus listening to him. Martha got annoyed but Jesus assured that Mary is doing the correct thing.
what does Bonhoeffer mean by ‘No rusty swords’
we should get rid of outdated church principles. Christians can be prophets and discern Gods will in the current world to know what morality is.
Limitations of Church as a community
- highly subjective and chaotic to discern Gods will and change it into moral action
- His circumstances were too extreme
strengths of church as a community
- God used human conscience to communicate his will. Compare how you discern his will to the Bible.
- Bonhoeffer intended people to discern as a community which could reduce the risk of distortion and not accurately discerning Gods will
- Hauerwas Church can and should have a voice in global politics. It stands against people becoming indifferent and blind followers of dictators whose reign is unjust
- continued suffering of marginalised in society and standing in solidarity with them
- through rusty swords acknowledges that there are outdated teachings that need to be neglected - feminism
what is church as a community
spiritual disciple
discerning Gods will
mary and martha
what is the visible church
salt and light
confessing church
barmen declaration
relgionless christianity
no rusty swords