Thematic Analysis Flashcards
What type of data does thematic analysis analyse?
Qualitative data.
What does thematic analysis analyse?
To spot patterns and themes in qualitative data.
What are the steps to thematic analysis?
- Familiarisation with the data.
- Generating codes.
- Searching for themes among the codes.
- Reviewing evidence to support the themes.
- Defining and naming the themes.
- Producing a final report.
What are the two types of thematic analysis?
-Inductive analysis
-Deductive analysis
What is inductive analysis?
Writing out themes in the data but having no idea of themes before reading.
What is deductive analysis?
Deciding on the themes before you read the answers.
What are some strengths of thematic analysis?
-Uses qualitative data which has very in depth results- themes will be more valid.
-Reduces large amounts of research into manageable summaries -increases validity.
-Gathers large samples of data- more generalisable.
What are some weaknesses of thematic analysis?
-Uses qualitative data which does not give objective results- hard to analyse.
-May be interpretation bias(subjectivity in the analysis)- results will be less valid.
-Criticised to not be a scientific method- cannot be analysed to see if an answer was due to chance.