The Teacher and the Community, School Culture, and Organizational Leadership Flashcards
The Pillars of ASEAN Community
ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)
ASEAN Political-Security Community (APSC)
ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC)
It is a blueprint, a vision towards integrating the ASEAN resource markets
ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)
It oversees that the ASEAN community continues to live in peace, stability, resilience, and in concord
ASEAN Political-Security Community (APSC)
It aims to promote a caring and sharing society which stems from the fact that all actions undertaken by the ASEAN are to uplift the lives of its people and make living in the region a more fulfilling experience
ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC)
A world philosophy which is based on change, process, and relativity
They reject the idea of unchanging universal truths. Truth is relative and knowledge must be the result of testing and verification
___________________ aim of education is to promote democratic social living. It believes that knowledge must lead to growth and development; it is a living- learning process
They refer to the contributions of schools to the technical or economic development and needs of individuals, the institution, the local community, the society and the international community
Technical/Economic Functions
The ______________ Purposes of Schooling: To help students acquire higher order thinking skills such as analysis, evaluation, and synthesis
The ____________ Purpose of Schooling: To help assimilate diverse cultural groups into a common political order
The ________ Purposes of Schooling: To socialize children into various roles, behaviors, and values of society (socialization); a key ingredient in the stability of society; enables members to help solve social problems
They refer to the contributions of schools to the cultural transmission and development at different levels of society
Cultural Functions
They refer to the contributions of schools to the development and maintenance of education at different levels of society
Education Functions
_____________________ of education are the open and intended goals or consequences of activities within an organization or institution
Manifest Functions
They are the hidden, unstated, and sometimes unintended consequences of activities within schools
Latent Functions
______________________ include a large number of behaviors, so many that in sociology, interaction is usually divided into five categories
Social interactions
The Five Categories of Social Interactions
- Exchange
- Competition
- Cooperation
- Conflict
- Coercion
It is a social process whereby social behavior is exchanged for some type of reward for equal or greater value
It is a process by which two or more people attempt to achieve a goal that only one can attain
It is the process in which people work together to achieve shared goals. It is a social process that gets things done
It is the use of force to achieve a desired end. It may be physical or non-violent. It is the ultimate means of social control when all other means fail
It occurs when two or more people oppose one another in social interactions, reciprocally exerting social power in an effort to attain scarce or incompatible goals, and prevent the opponent from attaining them
It is a form of social interaction in which we get used to the factors that are likely to lead to conflict either by force of habit, or sheer inertia, or a desire to “live and let live”
It is a fundamental social process; it is that process by which individuals belonging to different cultures are united into one
_______________________ is formed when two or more persons come together to accomplish a common objective, and they follow a formal relationship
Formal organization
_________________________ is formed within the formal organization and is a system of interpersonal relationship between individuals
Informal organization
Forces affecting the nature of organization:
People, Structure, Technology, and Environment
People make up the internal social system of the organization. The __________ consists of individuals and groups (large groups, small groups, formal, informal). __________ are dynamic, they form, change and disband
system, Groups
______________ defines the formal relationship and use of people in organizations creating complex problems of cooperation, negotiation, and decision- making
Provides the resources with which people work and affect the tasks they perform
All organizations operate within an internal and external ______________ . An organization does not exist alone. It is part of a larger system that contains many other elements or social institutions
It refers to the quality that makes an action possible. Overriding all of this is the general intelligence factor which accounts for most variations in performance
It pertains the capacity to solve problems, apply principles, make inferences and perceive relationships
It is the relatively stable and enduring aspects of individuals that distinguish them from other people
It is a settled mode of thinking. It is evaluative in nature for it contains an assessment of whether the object to which it refers is liked or disliked
__________________ are social systems whose behaviors are governed by social laws and psychological laws
Organizations and individuals have _____________________, organizations need people and people need organizations. Organization are formed and maintained based on mutuality of interest which provides super-ordinate goals that can only be attained through the integrated efforts of individuals
mutual interests
This describes how organizations consist of groups of people working together. Interactions take place within and between groups and the degree to which these processes are formalized vary according to the organizational context
Group Behavior
This is the most centralized form of communication network wherein all the information flows from one central person, typically the leader
Wheel Network
Under this pattern, the information flows either up or down the line. Each person gets the information from his immediate superior and then passes it to their immediate subordinates
Chain Network
This network is one of the decentralized forms of communication network wherein the information is shared equally among all members. Each person gives and receives information from two or more persons in the network
Circle Network
Under this pattern, everyone is connected to each other, and the information can flow freely from anywhere in the organization
Free Flow Network
In this network the subordinate is allowed to communicate with his/her immediate superior as well as with the superior’s superior
Inverted “V” Communication
Involves initiating, information-seeking, diagnosing, opinion-seeking, evaluating,
and decision-making
Involves encouraging, compromising, peace-keeping, clarifying, summarizing, and standard-setting
Refers to when in the course of interacting and carrying out task and maintenance functions, the group develops an ideology which affects the attitudes and actions of its members and the degree of satisfaction which they feel
Group Ideology
If the group ideology is strong and individual members identify closely with the group, it will become increasingly cohesive. Group norms or implicit rules will evolve which define what is acceptable behavior and which is not. This describes…
Group Cohesion
___________________ consists of the group of people with whom the individual identifies. This means that the group’s norms are accepted and if in doubt about what to say or do, references are made to these norms or to other group members before action is taken
Reference Group
A ______ is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable
________________ is the ability to persuade others willingly to behave differently. The function of the team leaders is to achieve the task set for them with the help of the group
The group exists to achieve a common purpose or task. The leader’s role is to ensure that this purpose is fulfilled. If it is not, they will lose the confidence of the group and the result will be frustration, disenchantment, criticism, and possible the ultimate disintegration of the group. This refers to…
Task Needs
To achieve its objectives, the group needs to be held together. The leader’s job is to build up and maintain team spirit and morale. This refers to…
Group Maintenance Needs
They exist to get things done and in the process, people or groups exercise power
Power Organizations
It is the capacity to secure the dominance of one’s goals or values over others
It is derived from the belief of individuals that compliance brings rewards
Reward Power
This power makes it plain that non-compliance will bring punishment
Coercive Power
It is exercised by people who are popular and admired and with whom the less popular can identify. It can also be a power emanating from one’s expertise or superior knowledge
Expert Power
It is a power conferred by the position in an organization
held by an executive
Legitimized Power
Power and __________ are inextricably mixed and in many organizations there will inevitably people who want to achieve their satisfaction by acquiring power, legitimately or illegitimately
It is inevitable in organizations because they function by means of adjustments and compromises among competitive elements in their structure and membership
The ________________ processes used in organizations have marked effect on how they function especially if they take place though networks which can turn into the “grapevine”
The communication which does not follow any pre-defined channel for the transmission of information
Informal Communication
It is an informal, unofficial and personal communication channel or system that takes place within the organization as a result of rumor and gossip
It is a statement or claim of questionable accuracy, from no known reliable source, usually spread by word of mouth
It is an informal type of discourse that does not cover any functional topics of conversation or any transactions that need to be addressed. It is considered a conversation for its own sake
Small talk
__________ is revealing personal information about others. A friend who passes on the secret of other friends, but asks you not to tell is an example of gossip. It is defined as the private information about others shared in conversation or print
It refers to pattern of values, norms, beliefs, attitudes and assumptions that may not have been articulated but shape the ways in which people behave and things get done
Organizational Culture
__________ refer to what is believed to be important about how people and organizations behave
__________ are the unwritten rules of behavior
___________________________ refers to those aspects of the environment that are consciously perceived by organizational members. A climate is a perception and descriptive
Organizational Climate
It represents the social glue and generates a “we feeling” thus counteracting processes offers a shared system of meanings which is the basis for communication and mutual understanding.
Explain why some members of the organization learn to cope with some threat by employing defense mechanism
The Trauma Model
Values, beliefs, and norms of the organization are learned by the use of reward system. Over the years, things that seem to work become embedded and entrenched. This describes…
The Positive Reinforcement Model
__________ are translated into reality (enacted) through norms and artefacts. They may also be expressed through the media of language (organizational jargon), rituals, stories and myths
These are the visible and tangible aspects of the organization that people hear, see, touch, feel
It is the ability to influence others that directly stems from the leader’ position
Legitimate Power
_________________ refers to the leader’s control over rewards valued by the subordinates. For example, if a principal or a department head can directly reward teachers with cash bonuses for good performance, then that principal or department head has the power to exert control over the teachers who value cash or financial rewards
Reward Power
It refers to the leader’s control over punishments. It is based on fear and thus may create anxiety and defensiveness
Coercive Power
It is the ability to control others through knowledge relevant to the job as perceived by subordinates
Expert Power
It is the ability to control based on loyalty to the leader and subordinates’ desire to please that person
Referent Power
The _____________ (personal charm and magnetism) of the person is the basis of referent power
It is a simple but effective way of influencing members. The ideal approach is to be a “Do as I Say and Do” manager
Leading by Example
It refers to being forthright with your demands, expressing both the specifics of what you want done and the feelings surrounding the demands
It pertains to getting somebody else to like you, often using political behaviors
_________________ is appealing to reason and logic. It is an influence tactic used frequently by effective leaders
It generally refers to the beliefs, perceptions, relationships, attitudes, and written and unwritten rules that shape and influence every aspect of how a school functions
School Culture
___________ school cultures are conducive to professional satisfaction, morale, and effectiveness, as well as to student learning, fulfillment, and well-being
These are the things that people at your school consider as true. For example, “All students have the potential to succeed.” Or “Teaching is a team sport”
Fundamental Beliefs and Assumptions
These are the judgments people at your school make about those beliefs and assumptions - whether they are right or wrong, good or bad, just or unjust
Shared Values
Refers to how members believe they should act and behave, or what they think is expected of them
Refers to the way people actually act and behave in your school
Patterns and Behaviors
Pertains to the physical, visual, auditory, or other sensory signs that demonstrate the behaviors of the people in your school
Tangible Evidence
It is a community of learners and it is a community for learners
It is made up of the beliefs and values which school participants hold to be meaningful in the actual operation of the system
Organization’s Culture or School’s Culture
A type of curriculum that is not deliberately planned but has a great impact on the behavior of learners
Hidden Curriculum
It is about the value teachers place on schooling and the level to which they will work to accomplish the goals of the organization. The teachers’ values are given credence by their participation in the school community
Teacher Efficacy
It is concerned with and among teachers’ interpersonal relationships and their need for empowerment
Focuses on teacher-to-teacher discourse in the formal setting of the school organization. This aspect of school culture provides the consistency in instruction that students must have to be successful
Assumes that teachers know and understand the school vision and their willingness to participate and implement the school’s targets
Shared Planning
Focuses on the principal’s willingness and capacity to support teachers and programs
Transformational Leadership
It can be defined as an internal management process of continuous control of inputs, processes, and outputs in order to identify strengths and weaknesses and formulate practical proposals
The ability to lead in crafting a shared school vision including the development of curriculum policies and practices
Educational Leadership
The ability to work with various stakeholders. Misfire the respect and cooperation of people and promote the development and effectiveness of people within the organization
People Leadership
The ability to explore complex issues from global perspective, to manage and educational enterprise, to focus resources and motivate people in the realization of the shared school vision
Strategic Leadership
The Seven Domains of PPST
- Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
- Learning Environment
- Diversity of Learners
- Curriculum and Planning
- Assessment and Reporting
- Community Linkages and Professional Engagement
- Personal Growth and Professional Development
Are those who have gained the qualifications recognized for entry into the teaching profession
Beginning Teachers (Career Stage 1)
They are professionally independent in the application of skills vital to the teaching and learning process
Proficient Teachers (Career Stage 2)
They consistently display a high level of performance in their teaching practice
Highly Proficient Teachers (Career Stage 3)
They embody the highest standards for teaching grounded in global best practice. They are recognized as leaders in education, contributors to the profession and initiators of collaborations and partnerships
Distinguished Teachers (Career Stage 4)
The teacher and master teachers help colleague use effective teaching strategies. They assist their peers in various aspects of teaching like assessment in learning, development of instructional materials or doing action research. This describes the teacher as an…
Instructional Leader
It define how teacher leadership can be distinguished from, but work in tandem with, administrative leadership roles to support quality teaching and enhance student learning
Teacher Leader Model Standards