Assessment of Learning Flashcards
The change in educational perspective called Outcome-based Education (OBE) has three characteristics:
- Student-centered
- Faculty-driven
- Meaningful
______________________ are competencies/skills acquired upon completion of an instruction, a subject, a grade level, a segment of the program, or of the program itself
Immediate outcomes
______________________ refer to the ability to apply cognitive, psychomotor and affective skills/competencies in various situations many years after completion of a degree program
Deferred outcomes
The process of making judgements based on criteria and evidence
The process of documenting knowledge, skills, attitudes and beliefs usually in measurable terms
In an educational context, ________________ is the process of describing, collecting, recording, scoring and interpreting information about learning
_________________ refers to the process by which the attributes of dimensions of some physical objects are determined with the exception of IQ or attributes
A method of judging the worth of a program while the program of activities are in progress
Formative Evaluation
A method of judging the worth of the program at the end of the program of activities
Summative Evaluation
The assessment that is given while the teacher is in the process of student formation is referred to as ________________________
formative assessment
In Assessment _____ Learning, teachers use assessment results to inform or adjust their teaching
In Assessment FOR Learning, teachers use assessment results to ________ or _________ their teaching
inform, adjust
Assessment _____ Learning is meant to assess learning for grading purposes
Assessment OF Learning is meant to assess learning for ____________________
grading purposes
The effectiveness of summative assessment depends on the __________ and ______________ of the assessment activity and tools
validity, reliability
Assessment _____ Learning is associated with self-assessment
Assessment AS Learning is associated with _________________
The three (3) domains of educational activities
- Cognitive
- Affective
- Psychomotor
Cognitive: mental skills
Affective: growth in ___________ or ___________
Psychomotor: manual or physical skills
feeling, emotion
Cognitive: ________ skills
Affective: growth in feeling or emotion
Psychomotor: manual or physical skills
Cognitive: mental skills
Affective: growth in feeling or emotion
Psychomotor: __________ or __________ skills
manual, physical
Assessment works best when it is _______________, ___________, and NOT episodic
continuous, ongoing
It should be the basis of the assessment task
Intended learning outcome/lesson objective
The principle of __________________________ means that the teaching-learning activities and assessment tasks are aligned with the intended learning outcome
constructive alignment
The paper-and-pencil test assesses learning in the ____________________ or ________________________
cognitive domain, declarative knowledge
________________________ or ________________________ and learning proven by a product and by a performance cannot be measured by a paper-and-pencil test
Psychomotor learning, procedural knowledge
It is a purposeful collection of student work or documented performance that tells the story of student achievement or growth
__________________________________ can serve as a holding tank for work that may be selected later for more permanent assessment or display portfolio
Growth or development portfolio
_______________________ demonstrates the highest level of achievement attained by the student
Showcase portfolio
____________________________ portfolio documents what a student has learned based on standards and competencies expected of students at each grade level
Assessment or evaluation
The main purpose of rubrics is to…
Assess performance made evident in processes and products
Two major parts of rubrics:
- Coherent sets of criteria
- Description of levels of performance for these criteria
In this rubric, each criterion is evaluated separately
Analytic Rubric
In this rubric, all criteria are evaluated simultaneously
Holistic Rubric
An analytic rubric is good for ___________ assessment
It is a test map that guides the teacher in constructing a test
Table of Specifications (TOS)
It is referred to as the average of scores
The __________ is the score at the middle of the distribution
If scores are plotted in a histogram, that with the highest frequency is the ______
It is a measure of the spread of scores
Standard Deviation
A ________ standard deviation means that the data are more clustered around the mean hence the dataset is more consistent
If you like to get a more reliable picture of the scores of your students in your class, you should compute for the ________ and the _______
mean, SD
If a score distribution has no outliers, the scores may __________________
not be so varied
If a score distribution has a Standard Deviation of zero, then the scores are ___________
the same
It refers to a grading system where a student’s grade is placed in relation to the performance of a group
Norm-references Grading
________________________ grading systems are based on a fixed criterion measure
It is a process by which teacher or researcher-made tests are validated and item analyzed
Test standardization
Are there numerical grades in Kindergarten?
There are NO numerical grades in Kindergarten
A form of pre-assessment that allows a teacher to determine individual student’s prior knowledge including misconceptions before instruction
Diagnostic Assessment
This type of assessment focuses on students’ construction of functioning knowledge
Contextualized Assessment
This type of assessment focuses on declarative knowledge and/or procedural knowledge in artificial situations detached from the real-life context
Decontextualized Assessment
Simple recall tests are ____________________ assessments
Assessment is _______ if it measures what it is supposed to measure
Assessment is __________ when the test produces consistent scores
If a teacher gives a _____________ test, she wants to know the learners’ readiness
In Outcome-based Education (OBE) and Outcome-based Teaching and Learning (OBTL), the process of instruction begins with the ____________________________________
clarification of learning outcomes
Understanding by Design (UbD) and OBE and OBTL agree that the first step in the instructional process is ________________________________________________
identifying and clarifying learning outcomes
Educational institutions should consider needs of industry in the formulation of learning outcomes to __________________________________________
prepare graduates for the world of work
In McTighe’s and Wiggin’s Understanding by Design, the highest level of understanding is…
Students’ awareness of what they do not understand
In McTighe’s and Wiggin’s Understanding by Design, the lowest level of understanding is…
providing explanations
It is a form of assessment in which students are asked to perform real-world tasks that demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledge and skills
Authentic Assessment
It is an assessment that measures students’ abilities directly with real tasks
Non-test Assessment
These are competencies that are transferrable between jobs. Authentic assessment includes assessing these competencies needed in the 21st century
Transversal Competencies
Transversal Competencies are also called ____________________________
transferable competencies
Creation of a PowerPoint presentation is an example of a ____________________ assessment
One form or technique for authentic assessment is GRASPS, which stands for:
Goal, Role, Audience, Situation, Product, Standards and Criteria
A rubric that is a scoring guide used to assess performance against a set of criteria
Scoring Rubric
This rubric assesses learners’ single, overall performance in an activity based on standards set
Holistic Rubric
A rubric that assesses learners’ performance against each specific criterion and so give more detailed picture of the learners’ performance
Analytic Rubric
This rubric is used to assess general tasks or skills such as problem solving, be it in physical science, social science or math
General Rubric
This rubric is used to assess skills specific to a given problem, task or situation such as solving the area of trapezoid and using correct punctuation marks
Task-specific Rubric
_____________ are used when learning outcomes are defined by the existence of an attribute
A ________________ is a list of specific characteristics with a place for marking the degree to which each characteristic is displayed
rating scale
Scoring rubrics have two basic parts:
- The criteria
- The description of the levels of performance
If the general picture of students’ performance is desired, what rubric is most appropriate?
Holistic Rubric
Unlike rubrics, checklists and rating scales lack ________________________________________
descriptions of performance quality
The classes of evidence of learning that can be put in students’ portfolios are:
artifacts, reproduction, attestation, and productions
It refers to documents or products that are produced as a result of academic classroom work. Examples are student papers and homework
_________________ are documentations of a student’s work outside the classroom. Examples are special projects like Capstone
These are the teacher’s or other responsible persons’ documentation to attest to the student’s progress
The documents that the student himself/herself prepares. These include goal statements, reflections and captions
The bases for the selection of what to include in the portfolio are:
learning outcomes and the purpose of the portfolio
A digital collection of course-related work like essays, posters, photographs, videos and artwork created by students
e-Portfolio fall within the learning theory known as _______________________, which states that learning happens most effectively when students construct systems of knowledge for themselves rather than simply receiving information presented
social constructivism
Some types of e-portfolio are:
- School-centered e-portfolio
- Learner-centered e- portfolio
- Assessment e-portfolio
- Learning e-portfolio
- Career e-portfolio
This type of e-portfolio is administered by the school for summative assessment purposes
School-centered e-portfolio
This e-portfolio serve the formative purpose of assessment for learning
Learner-centered e-portfolio
In this e-portfolio, the audience is internal to the school and the goal is to support institutional outcomes assessment
Assessment e-Portfolio
These e-portfolios are where the audience is students themselves and the goal is helping students examine and reflect on their learning
Learning e-Portfolios
These e-portfolios are where the audience is external, and the goal is to provide students with a tool for showcasing their achievements to employers or transfer institutions
Career/transfer e-Portfolios
This portfolio corresponds to career/transfer e-Portfolios
Showcase Portfolio
Non-technical skills that refer to how one works in the workplace, how one interacts with others in the workplace and how one looks at problems and solves problems
Soft skills
A popular method of assessing learning in the affective domain is ________________
The three (3) feasible methods of assessing learning in the affective domain are:
- Teacher observation
- Student self-report
- Peer ratings
Teacher observation can be unstructured or structured. It is _______________ when observation is open-ended and ____________ when he/she is guided in what to observe by a checklist or rating scale
unstructured, structured
A ____________________ requires the student to provide an account of his/her feelings toward a concept or idea or people
student self-report
It is where peers are to rate the students on targeted affective items. It is also another way to know how a student is realizing the intended learning outcome in the affective domain
Peer Rating
If you want to assess students’ reactions to concepts in terms of bipolar scales defined with contrasting adjectives at each end, ______________________ is appropriate
semantic differential
Referring to soft skills, completing assigned task belongs to ____________ soft skills,
Controlling temper, compromising with others to avoid conflict, and responding appropriately to others belong to the soft skills in ____________________
The four (4) purposes of grades:
- Administrative
- Informational
- Motivational
- Guidance
The standard method of reporting students’ progress and grades to parents
Report Card
The statement “The proof of the pudding is in the eating” implies that the most reliable proof of effective teaching is _____________________
students’ learning