Action Research Flashcards
He coined the term “action research” in 1944
Kurt Lewin
Qualities of a good action researcher
The desire to develop teaching skills and knowledge and take action to improve student learning
Action research is a ____________ inquiry with the aim of improving issues concerns affecting the classroom
It provides teachers with new knowledge and understanding about how to improve educational practices or resolve significant problems in classrooms and schools
Action Research
Action research is one form of __________________ because it draws on a range of designs and methodologies
applied research
Impacts of action research on teachers
Building confidence in instructional decisions, contributing to the professional culture of teaching, and helping build a reflective practice based on proven techniques
Action research develops quality teachers to attain _________________ and __________________
quality learning, quality assurance
______________________ and ____________________________ has been directly linked to conducting action research
Professional growth, development of teachers
Action research can develop teachers into becoming _________________________ for school-wide system
transformative leaders
Action research aims to improve teaching _______________________________
towards learning outcome
The goal of action research is ______________________
positive change
Action research should involve a plan of action that will allow the teacher- researcher to ________ a change and to _________ that change
make, study
Action research places its emphasis on ________________ - here and now in a local setting
real problems
Through action research, teachers employ _______________________ on a daily basis in their classrooms
critical self-reflection
Action research entails an ongoing process of reflection and revision. We say that action research is ____________ since plans are created, implemented, revised, then implemented
Action research entails an ongoing process of ______________ and ____________. We say that action research is iterative since plans are created, implemented, revised, then implemented
reflection, revision
Teacher Action Research is ______________ rather than summative since it is an ongoing process of evaluation, recommendation, practice, reflection, and re-evaluation
Teacher Action Research can be a tool for _________ and ____________________________ because it engages the community the evaluative effort and, as a result, give the community ownership of and responsibility for change
equity, multicultural education
Action research aims to improve education through change by encouraging teachers to be aware of their own practice. It is therefore ______________
Being _______________ is one of the pedagogic perspectives of action research as it entails learning by doing
In action research, all participants can contribute to and benefit from the process. It is therefore ________________
In action research, meaning is constructed using participants’ multiple realities in the situation, making it an _________________ research approach
Action research is carried out by individuals with a common purpose; therefore, it is both ______________ and _________________
participative, collaborative
Action research views the problem from the point of view of _________________________________
those involved or the participants
Some of the purposes of action research is that it answers questions regarding the __________________________________________________, _____________________________, and ______________________________________
effectiveness of specific instructional strategies, performance of students, classroom management techniques
Action research offers _____________________ rather than theoretical which is the aim of formal research
practical significance
According to Glanz (1998), the four-step process for action research to examine educational problems in schools setting are
- Select a focus
- Collect data
- Analyze and interpret data
- Take action
Basic action research cycle includes the following steps
- Propose a change
- Engage in action
- Observe results
- Reflect on action
The ____________________________ provides the information of what the research is all about, the purpose of the study and the situation challenging to the reader to read
research introduction
Data for action research can come from multiple sources, including student grades, homework completion, interviews, written texts, etc. The use of multiple data sources is termed ________________
In gathering data for an Action Research, at least __________ sources must be used. This implies triangulation
To achieve ________________, there should be the involvement of different people to interpret a given data
_______________ and ________________ increase the credibility of the information in action research
Triangulation, corroboration
It is an in-depth description of a process, experience, or structure at single institution
Case Study
Action research is a __________ process which follows these steps: identifying the problem; developing a plan of action; collecting data; analyzing data and forming conclusions; modifying your theory and repeating the cycle; and lastly, reporting the results.
Action research is a cyclical process which follows these steps:
Identifying the problem; Developing a plan of action; Collecting data; Analyzing data and forming conclusions; Modifying your theory and repeating the cycle; and lastly, Reporting the results
Teacher research are focused on _________________ in the classroom to support the needs of the learners. Impacts of the results of these research may extend beyond the classroom
bringing change
Academic research can be generalized to larger populations, while action research is more interested in ________________________________________________________________________________
gaining knowledge directly applied to the educators’ own teaching context
Good action research topics in education are __________________, ___________, and _________________________________________________________________
meaningful, concise, higher-order questions that have not already been answered
Action research can be connotated as the following:
Teacher’s research; Practitioner’s research; Teacher-as-scholar research; Practical inquiry; Interactive research; Classroom inquiry; and Practice-centered inquiry