Facilitating Learner-centered Learning Flashcards
They are at the center of the learning process
True or False. The teachers in the private school are not part of the term “teacher”
It means understanding your emotions and thoughts and how they influence your behavior
It is an inner drive that causes you to do something and persevere at something
It refers to the ability to establish and maintain healthy and meaningful relationships
Relationship Skills
It is the ability to make positive choices and take responsibility for positive and negative outcomes
Responsible Decision-making
Motivation is ___________ when the source of motivation is from within the person himself/herself or the activity itself
It is an intentional process for solving problems and discovering oppurtunities. It espouses the use of creativity in coming up with solutions which are not only novel but practical as well
Creative Problem Solving (CPS)
It is a personality type characterized by traits such as sociability, assertiveness, and cheerfulness
It is a personality type characterized by traits such as reserve, passivity, thoughtfulness, and a preference to keep emotional states private
Refers to the prodction of a great number of ideas or alternate solutions to a problem
Refers to what an individual can do
Motivation is _____________ when that which motivates a person is someone or something outside himself/herself
It is the ability to take the perspective of and empathize with others
Social Awareness
It is the ability to regulate your emotions and behaviors
The classroom climate is…
a by-product of the social intrractions between and among teachers and students
It is defined as the sum total of one’s surroundings
It states that learning can only take place when a student is ready to learn
Law of Readiness
Based on _________________________________, a satisfied need is not a strong motivation but an unsatisfied need is
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
It means becoming all that one is capable of becoming, using one’s skill to the fullest, and stretching talents to the maximum
It is the belief that one has the necessary capabilities to perform a task, fulfill role expectations, or meet challenging situations successfully
MELC stands for…
Most Essential Learning Competencies
It explains that we attribute our successes or failures or other events to several factors
Attribution Theory
Children who are ____________ of age are labeled as “terrible twos” by Erikson because of the assertiveness and will of these children, illustrated by using the word “No!”
two years
It refers to the production of ideas that show a variety of possibilities or realms of thought
It is evident when people engage in an activity for its own sake, without some obvious external incentive present
Intrinsic Motivation
It describes the situation in which new information you learn is an example of a concept that you have already learned
Derivative Subsumption
It is the major instructional tool proposed by David Ausubel
Advanced Organizer
It involves the production of ideas that are unique or unusual
It is the process of enhancing ideas by providing more details
This happens when learning with one context or with one set of material affects performance in another context or with other related materials
Transfer of Learning
It refers to transfer between contexts that, on appearance seem remote and alien to one another
Far Transfer
It refers to the transfer between very similar contexts
Near Transfer
This occurs when learning in one context impacts negatively on performance in another
Negative Transfer
It helps us recall facts and pieces of information
Memory Skills
This occurs when learning in one context improves performance in some other context
Positive Transfer
It describes a child’s feelings of desire for their opposite-sex parent and jealousy and anger toward their same-sex parent
Oedipus Complex
It is a psychoanalytic term used to describe a girl’s sense of competition with her mother for the affections of her father
Electra Complex
It is an organized unit of knowledge for a subject or event. It is based on past experiences and is accessed to guide current understanding or action
According to Erikson, a child that is 3-5 years old is…
It states that the more a person practices something, the better he/she is able to retain that knowledge
Law of Exercise
It states that learning is strengthened when associated with a pleasant or satisfying feeling
Law of Effect
It is a school of thought that looks at the human mind and behavior as a whole
Gestalt Psychology
According to Gestalt’s _____________________, elements tend to be perceived as aggregated into groups if they are near each other
Proximity Principle
It describes how we interpret and process complex stimuli around us
Gestalt Principles
The ___________________ holds that when you’re presented with a set of ambitious or complex objects, your brain will make them appear as simple as possible
Law of Pragnanz
According to the ________________, we perceive elements aa belonginb to the same group if they seem to complete some entity
Law of Closure
The _____________________ holds that points that are connected by straight or curved lines are seen in a way that follows the smoothest path
Law of Continuity
It helps a person determine if a certain idea is good
Analytical Skills
It allows a person to come up with a new idea, usually to answer a need or solve a problem
Creative Skills
It enables a person to apply what one has learned
Practical Skills
It leads to greater transfer than rote learning
Meaningful Learning
According to Sternberg, it is the ability to succeed in life, given one’s own goals, within one’s environmental context
Successful Intelligence
They represent a variety of examples
It is an idea or visual image of a “typical example”
It is a way of grouping or categorizing objects or events in our mind
It is a schema that involves a series of predictable events about a specific activity
According to ________________, learners construct their own understanding
This theory defines learning as a relativistic process by which a learner develops new insights and changes the old one
Cognitive Field Theory of Learning
Constructivists believe that learning is facilitated by ____________________
social interaction
__________________ emphasizes that knowledge exists in a social context and is initially shared with others instead of being represented solely in the mind of the individual
Social Constructivism
______________________ emphasizes the individual, internal construction of knowledge
Individual Constructivism
It refers to obtaining knowledge for oneself
Discovery Learning
In this curriculum, teachers must revisit the curriculum by teaching the same content in different ways depending on the students’ developmental levels
Spiral Curriculum
It include knowledge on how to do things
Procedural Knowledge
It is knowing when and why to apply declarative or procedural strategies
Conditional Knowledge
It includes memories of life events
Episodic Knowledge
It is our knowledge of facts
Declarative Knowledge
In this representation, children learn about the world through actions on physical objects and outcomes of these actions
Enactive Representation
It is a method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behavior
Operant Conditioning
It happens when a teacher attempts the student to develop the student to think about their thinking or to reason about one’s own thinking
In this representation, learning can be obtained through the use of models and pictures
Iconic Representation
In this representation, the learner has developed the ability to think in abstract terms
Symbolic Representation
This representation states that the most general ideas of a subject should be presented first and then progressively differentiated in terms of detail and specificity
Progressive Differentation
These organizers describe new content
Expository Advanced Organizers
These organizers present new information in the form of stories to the students
Narrative Advanced Organizers
It is done by looking over the new material to gain basic overview
They are visuals intended to set up or outline new information
Graphic Organizers
It is stating previously learned materials such as facts, principles, and procedures
Verbal Information
Proposed by Albert Bandura, it emphasizes the importance of observing, modeling, and imitating the behaviors, attitudes, and emotional reactions of others
Social Learning Theory
It is the ability to distinguish objects, features, or symbols
These learners learn through interactions with their environment
Bodily-kinesthetic Learners
These learners benefit much from a hands-on approach, actively exploring the physical world around them
Tactile/Kinesthetic Learners
It is repeating information verbatim, either mentally or aloud
It is adding additional ideas to new information based on what one already knows
It is making connections between new information and prior knowledge
Meaningful Learning
It means forming a “picture” of the information
Visual Imagery
It is making information relevant to oneself
It is the final or permanent storing house for memory information
Long-term Memory
It is the inability to retrieve or access information when needed
It happens when old information blocks access to the information in question
It is usually characterized by impatience to wait for his/her turn during games, disregard for rules, and show an inability to delay gratification
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
It is the sudden understanding of the relationship between a problem and a solution
Insight Learning
It is the ability to replicate the behavior that the model has demonstrated
Motor Reproduction
It is when a fixed number of correct responses must occur before reinforcement may recur
Fixed Ratio Schedule
It is when the target response is reinforced after a fixed amount of time has passed
Fixed Interval Ratio
It involves difficulties in specific cognitive processes like perception, language, memory or metacognition that are not due to other disabilities like mental retardation or sensory impairments
Learning Disabilities
It is a neurological and developmental disorder that affects how people interact with others, communicate, learn, and behave
Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
In ______________, children make sense of the world by applying what they already know
It allows children to find a balance between applying their existing knowledge and adapting their behavior to new information