Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles Flashcards
The transition period from infancy to puberty
The period of transition from childhood to adulthood
A person over the age of 18 but are unable to fully take care of themselves or protect themselves from abuse, neglect, cruelty, exploitation or discrimination because of a physical or mental disability or condition are classified as a ________ under the Republic Act 7610
_________ is the quantitative attribute of an individual such as their height and weight
______________ involves both qualitative and quantitative progression and decline of an individual’s biological, cognitive, and socio-emotional attributes
Development results from ___________ and _______________
maturity, experiences
He developed the concept of developmental tasks
Robert Havighurst
Learning to take solid food is an example of __________ developmental task
Learning to take control of the elimination of body wastes is an example of a developmental task of an individual under ______________________
early childhood
Acquiring a masculine or feminine social role is a developmental task of _______________
It is referred to as a “critical period” in personality development because at this time, the foundations are laid upon which the adult personality structure will be built
“Men are built not born,” this quotation by John Watson states the effect of ____________________________ on a person’s development
environmental stimulation
The ______________________ supports the notion, “children will develop best if they are left free as possible”
Theory of Freedom
Uncontrolled sudden movement of infants is called ____________
_____________________ allows infants to drink milk and is triggered by a touch on the mouth’s roof
Sucking reflex
When infants attempt to search for mother’s milk, they will turn their heads towards their mother’s chest. This reflex is called _________________
rooting reflex
____________________ is the infant’s response to sudden and loud sounds
Moro or startle reflex
Development proceeds from ______________________ as evidenced by the ability of the newborn infant to move his whole body instead of moving only a part of it
general to specific
___________________ allows baby to turn his head away from something that blocks his or her airflow
Head turning reflex
It is one of an infant’s innate reflexes that resembles fencing pose
Tonic Neck Reflex
It is the brain’s ability to change from experience
The degradation of nerve cells that slows down the information processing of the brain is known as _____________.
By the age of 12-18 months, babies can…
keep and recall information from their memory
It is the nutritional status of women during pregnancy and lactation which directly affects the child’s health and development
Maternal Nutrition
It is the child’s state of nutritional balance is crucial in his early developmental age
Child Nutrition
When a person begins to acquire language by learning or mimicry, he or she is undergoing ___________________________
language development
Children learn their first language ______________________________ from parents or caretakers
without conscious instruction
Two Classifications of Bilingual Language Acquisition
- Simultaneous Bilingualism
- Sequential Bilingualism
____________________________ occurs when a child acquires two languages at the
same time.
Simultaneous Bilingualism
________________________ occurs when a child learns his second language by drawing out knowledge and experience of the first language
Sequential Bilingualism
It is the loss of the ability to produce and understand language due to brain injury
Children with _____________ often find reading and spelling to be very difficult tasks
The first-substage known as the ______________________ includes sucking and gripping reflexes
reflex schema stage
Second sub-stage is known as a ____________________________ involves the development of a child’s habit
primary circular reaction
It is exhibited by the child who believes in something without knowing why he believes it
Intuitive Thought
Treating inanimate objects as if they are alive is known as ___________
It is the inability of the child to take the point of view of others
When a learner focuses only on one aspect of a stimulus while disregarding other details, he is exhibiting _____________
When a child is able to arrange things according to its physical attributes such as size, color, and shape, he is displaying ___________
A learner who can process his response to “what if’ situations is applying hypothetical reasoning, proving he has reached the ____________________ period
formal operational
In Piaget’s _____________________ stage, the child cannot imagine the steps necessary to complete an algebraic equation
concrete operational
The inter-relationship of language development and cognitive process is an idea derived from __________________________________
Vygotsky’s Socio-cultural Theory
_____________________________ puts emphasis on the importance of a mentor in a child’s development and achievement
Zone of Proximal Development
It is someone more advanced than the child who can guide the child in order to reach his or her potential level
More Knowledgeable Other (MKO)
It is the assistance given by the MKO to help and guide the learners in reaching their potential levels
In Erickson’s theory, ____________ vs. _______________ is the unresolved crisis of an adult who has difficulty establishing a secure, mutual relationship with a life partner
Intimacy, Isolation
_______________ is process of bringing back the stored information from the long-term memory to the short-term memory
The correct sequence of information processing begins from _________________ to ______________________ and eventually be stored in the ____________________
sensory register, Short-term Memory, Long-term memory
To remember the six digits, 8, 4, 3, 9, 4, 5, the Math teacher grouped the numbers in two’s 84, 39, 45 or in threes 843, 945. This method is also known as _______________
An IQ score of 70 and below is an indicator of an ____________________
intellectual disability
When new or old information blocks or hinders an individual to access the information he needs, this is called _________________
When a learner breaks up learning sessions rather than cramming information all at once, he is using the ______________________________ as a learning strategy
distributed practice method
According to Bronfenbrenner, __________________contains structures that have direct contact with the child
In performing the minuet, first raise your heel, second make three steps forward, third step make a point. This demonstrates the _________________________
procedural knowledge
An individual who has reached the ___________________ should take a rest in order to recover
“learning plateau”
It is characterized by impairments in social interaction and communication, and restricted and repetitive behavior, all exhibited before a child is three years old
When a child has an IQ score of 90, he is _______________________
averagely intelligent
Three (3) Modeling Stimuli according to Bandura
- Live models
- Symbolic models
- Verbal descriptions or instructions
Learning from other’s experiences is called ________________________
vicarious learning
“Identical twins are more alike than fraternal twins.” This statement is supported by the principle: __________ has a part in determining intelligence and characteristics
It is often experienced by preschool children when they are separated with people whom they have a strong personal bond
Separation Anxiety
When one is asked to develop himself to the fullest, he is trying to satisfy the need for __________________ according to Maslow
A child who always fights with his/her classmates who has a very short attention span, and who has frequent tantrums is believed to be suffering from _______________________________________
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
The developmental pattern that proceeds from head downward is called _________________
Human development includes both __________ and __________
growth, decline
Teacher X believes that learning and development does not end in adulthood. He is applying the __________ approach
The Three (3) Goals of Human Development
- Growth
- Maintenance
- Regulation
The 14 Learner-Centered Principles are divided into four factors influencing learners and learning:
- Cognitive and metacognitive
- Motivational and affective
- Developmental and social
- Individual differences
___________________________________________ constructed the Learner-Centered Psychological Principles (LCP)
The American Psychological Association
It is an enjoyable method of learning that fosters self-regulation, social skills. and cognitive competencies
___________ connections are established during early childhood
_________________ allows educators to integrate learning by utilizing the child’s interest
Guided play
Factors affecting growth and development:
Genetics/heredity, temperament, environment, and nutrition
It describes an ability to manage the emotion of one’s self, of others, and of groups
Emotional intelligence (EQ)
According to Goleman, the ability to inspire, influence and develop others while managing conflicts is called ______________________________
relationship management
When teacher X is controlling his anger towards the class, he is practicing ___________________ according to Goleman’s theory of emotional quotient (EQ)
self- management
The type of play that is most characteristic of a four to six-year old child are ________________ and ________________ plays
Associative and Cooperative
Parenting styles influences children’s development. Telling her children, “You should do it my way or else. There is no discussion.” - is an example of an _______________ parent
Maria has inherent skills in taking care of plants. It is highly possible that she has _____________ intelligence
A student collapsed in her English class. It was found out that she did not eat her lunch. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the student failed to attend to her _______________ needs
Contrary to Freud’s concept that the primary motivation of human behavior is sexual in nature, Erikson’s theory is ________ in nature
A sixty-seven-year old individual has been observing changes in him such as the aging process. This exhibits the concept of _______________
_________________ is defined by the decision of conscience in accordance with self- chosen actions. This corresponds to Kohlberg’s ____________________ or _____________ level of moral development
Right action, post-conventional, principal
Piaget’s _________________________ is being exhibited by a learner who views that the disobedience of rules will consequently cause one to be punished gravely
heteronomous mortality
In Piaget’s _____________________ is the moral reasoning of a person who tries to comprehend the intention of the action first, before giving conclusions
autonomous morality
The interaction of the child’s microsystems
The ____________ incorporates the morals and values of society
Multiple intelligences can be used to explain children’s reading performances. The ______________ intelligent group tends to be good readers
Elisa who is in between 9 and 11 years of age are most likely to demonstrate moral reasoning at the ____________________ stage of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development
The _______________ is composed of the children’s cultural patterns and values
“When more senses are stimulated, teaching and learning become more effective.” The use of ___________________ is an application of this principle
multisensory aids
Research established that complete coordination of motor activities is attained at __________________
childhood stage
The way a child talks and walks manifest gestures that have been learned from models he had been exposed to. This explains the _________________
social influence
Laughing at two-year old child who uttered a bad word is not a proper thing to do because in this stage, the child is _______________________________
distinguishing right from wrong
A boy is closer to his mother and a girl is close to her father. These instances are under _____________
phallic stage
The essence of Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligences is explained by the learning principle,
“Intelligence is not measured in one form”