the strange situation Mary Ainsworth Flashcards
what was the aim of Ainsworth (1978) study
observe key attachment behaviours as a means of assessing the quality of a Childs attachment to caregiver
what is reunion behaviour
behaviour observed with caregiver after separation for a short period of time from caregiver
what is proximity seeking
an infant with good attachment will stay fairly close to caregiver
what is secure base behaviour?
good attachment enables the child to feel confident to explore using the caregiver as a secure base
describe the strange situation procedure (1969)
- parent and infant play
- parent sits as infant plays - secure base
- stranger then enters room - stranger anxiety
- parent then leaves room
- parent returns and greets infant whilst stranger leaves - reunion behaviour
- parent leaves infant now alone - separation anxiety
- stranger re-enters room offering comfort - stranger anxiety
- parent returns - reunion behaviour
what are the three types of attachment identified from the strange situation results
secure type B (66%)
insecure avoidant type A (22%)
insecure resistant type C (12%)
describe secure base of secure type B
happily explores but regularly goes back to caregiver
describe stranger and separation anxiety of secure type B
shows both moderate levels of separation and stranger anxiety and become distressed. seek close contact from caregiver when separated
describe reunion behaviour of secure type B
requires and accepts comfort from caregiver
describe secure base of insecure avoidant type A
explore freely but don’t seek proximity or show secure base behaviour
describe stranger and separation anxiety of insecure avoidant type A
little or no reaction when separated from caregiver and when stranger enters
describe reunion behaviour of insecure avoidant type A
makes little effort to make contact when caregiver returns doesn’t require comfort
describe secure base of insecure avoidant type C
seek greater proximity than others so explore less. they both seek and resist intimacy and social interactions
describe stranger and separation anxiety of insecure avoidant type C
high levels of distress when separated from caregiver and when stranger enters
describe reunion behaviour of insecure avoidant type C
resist comfort when reunited with caregiver may display conflicting desires for and against comfort
how does the strange situation study have good reliability (evaluation strength)
shows very good inter-rater reliability as different observers watching the same child generally agree on what attachment to class them as. this may be because of the controlled conditions the study is done under and the behavioural categories are easy to observe.
how does the strange situation study raise ethical questions? (evaluation weakness)
the study has been labelled as unethical as it deliberately stresses infants to see their reaction, however this can be seen as justifiable as the stress caused is no greater than everyday life.
evaluate how the strange situation study may be culture bound (evaluation weakness)
there is some doubt about whether the strange situation is a culture bound test i.e it doesn’t have the same meaning in counties outside the west. this is because cultural differences in childhood experiences are likely to mean that a Child responds differently to the strange situation
what is meta-analysis
process in which the data from a large number of studies which have involved the same research methods are combined