attachment Flashcards
what is attachment
strong emotional bond that develops over time, bond has to be 2 ways with frequent interactions and desire to be with each other
what are the three characteristics involved in attachment
proximity - stay psychically close to person
separation distress - show distress when separated
secure base behaviour - when we are independent of attachment yet still make regular contact
what is reciprocity?
description of how 2 people interact, mother infant interactions is reciprocal in that both infant and mother respond to each others signals and edict a response from the other
what is interactional synchrony?
when two people interact they tend to mirrorwhat the other is doing in terms of facial and body movements
describe meltzoff and Moore (1977) study on interactional synchrony
conducted first systematic study on interactional synchrony
found infants as young as 2 weeks imitated specific facial/hand gestures
this study was done by having an adult do 3 face/hand gestures. they found that there was an association between the infant behaviour and adults
why did jean Piaget believe interactional synchrony was pseudo imitation
although meltzoff and Moore proposed imitation was intentional Piaget (1962) believed that true imitation only develops at the end of the first year and anything before that is response training e.g repeating previous behaviour that was rewarded
what are strengths of caregiver - infant interaction studies?
babies unaware they are being filmed so no demand characteristics giving research good validity
controlled observations capture fine detail - filmed from a multitude of angles allows for fine detail to be picked up and analysed.
how do individual differences affect caregiver-infant studies
Isabella et al (1989) fond more strongly attached carer-infant pairs showed greater interactional synchrony. this tells us there are significant individual differences but doesn’t indicate the cause.
describe the procedure of Schaffer and Emerson (1964) study on stages of attachment
conducted a longitudinal study on 60 Glasgow middle class infants
children all studied in their homes with interactions with carer being observed then carers interviewed
mothers kept a diary of infants reaction to separation e.g left in a room, being put down
what where the results of the Schaffer and Emerson (1964) study
found the babies attachment developed in a sequence
up to 3 months - indiscriminate attachment predisposed to attach to any human
after 4 months - preference for certain people can distinguish primary/secondary caregiver
after 7 months - special preference for single attachment show stranger anxiety
after 9 months - multiple attachments become more independent
what conclusions can be made from Schaffer and Emersons (1964) study
attachments are likely to form best to people who respond best to babies signals
what is the first stage of attachment known as?
indiscriminate attachment - up to 3 months show greater presence for social stimuli
what is the second stage of attachment known as?
beginnings of attachment - after 4 months prefer human company over inanimate objects
what is the third stage of attachment known as?
discriminate attachment - 7 months show separation/stranger anxiety
what is the fourth stage of attachment known as?
multiple attachments - after 9 months develops wider circle of attachments
why does Schaffer and Emersons (1964) study have good external validity
study was carried out in the families home and most of observations done by parents so no stranger anxiety playing a role
what is paternal involvement?
amount of time fathers spend interacting being accessible or directly involved in daily care of their child
how do economic factors affect paternal involvement?
in parts of the world men have to work hundreds of miles away therefor impossible to be involved as they have to provide
how do cultural factors affect paternal involvement
men where expected to be breadwinners and not involved with care although involved in order to mentor, guide and play with child