The Skull 2 Flashcards
Parts of the Parietal bone
Sagittal suture Groove for sigmoid sinus Groove for superior sagittal sinus Granular foveolae Coronal suture Lambdoid suture Squamous suture Arterial sulci Superior and inferior temporal lines
Parts of the temporal bone
Mandubular fossa
Articulate tubercle
Zygomatic process
PETROUS PART: Pyramid Mastoid process Mastoid notch Mastoid foremen Groove for sigmoid sinus (Apex pyramidis) Trigeminal impression Groove for greater and lesser pterosaurs nerves Foramen lacerum Arcuate eminence Subarcuate fossa Tegmen tympani Internal aucustic meatus Opening for the aqueduct of vestibule Opening of the cochlear canaliculus Grooves for superior and inferior Petrozavodsk sinuses Styloid process Stylomastoid foramen Jugular fossa Jugular foramen: Vascular part, nervous part Carotid canal Fossula petrosa Opening of the tympanic canaliculus Petrosquamous fissure Canalis musculotubarius
Tympanic part of mastoid part:
Anulus tympanicus
External aucustic meatus
Petrotympanic fissure (for chordates tympani nerve)
Parts of occipital bone
Synchondrosis sphenooccipitalis
Pharyngeal tubercle
LATERAL PART: Hypoglossal canal Jugular foramen Jugular tubercle Jugular notch Groove for sigmoid sinus Occipital condole Condylar canal
External and internal occipital protuberances
Groves for superior, transverse and sigmoid sinus
Internal and external occipital crests
Superior and inferior nuchal lines
Parts of the Sphenoid
BODY: Choanae Carotid sulcus Sulcus chiasmatis Tuberculin sellae Dorsum sellae Hypophysial fossa/ sella turcica) Anterior and posterior clinoid processes
Optic canal
Superior orbital fissure
GRATER WING Inferior orbital fissure Foramen rotundum Foramen ovals Foramen spinosum Infratemporal crest
PTERYGOID PROCESS Medial and lateral laminae Pterygoid fossa Pterygoid hamulus Scaphoid fossa Pterygoid canal
Parts of the frontal bone
SQUAMOUS PART: Coronal suture Zygomatic process Supraorbital margin Supra orbital foramen or notch Groove for superior sagittal sinus Foramen caecum Glabella
Nasal part:
Nasal spine
Parts of ethmoid bone
Perpendicular plate:
Crista Galli
Cribiform plate: Foramina cribrosa (Ethmoidal labyrinth) Ethmoidal cells (parts of the paranasal sinus) Orbital (lateral) plate Superior and middal nasal conchae Ethmoid bulla Uncinate process Semilunar hiatus