The shoulder - CH.22 Flashcards
4 capsular ligaments are most tensed in what position?
anterior - abd/ext/ER
posterior - abd/IR
middle - flex/ER
inferior - doesn’t allow A-P movement of humeral head
nerve roots and muscle innervation for the following:
axillary musculocutaneous subscapular (inferior/superior) dorsal scapular pectoral radial long thoracic suprascapular
Axillary (c5/6) - deltoid and teres minor
musculocuntaneous (c5-7)- brachialis, coracobrachialis, biceps brachii
Subscapular (C5/6): superior subscapular - subscap | inferior subscapular - subscap and teres major
dorsal scapular (C5) - rhomboids (maj/min) and levator scap
pectoral (C5-T1): medial pectoral - pec maj/min | lateral pectoral - pec maj
radial (C5-T1): wrist extensors and triceps
long thoracic - serratus anterior
suprascapular - supraspinatus + infraspinatus
test for GH instability
Ant/post drawer
Load and shift test
apprehension/relocation test
rent’s test
when you see one winged out scapula, what does that usually indicate?
injury to the long thoracic nn
describe the ludington’s test?
tests for bicep rupture
patient is seated, hands behind head - will contract the biceps ad relax them while AT feels for a lack of contraction on one side
(+) no contraction of the biceps - may indicate a rupture
name the 4 circulatory test for TOS and what specific structures they are testing
(+) diminished pulse or decreased pulse
Adsen’s - anterior scalenes - ask them to take a breath and hold
Allen’s - compression of the brachial plexus and accompanying axillary branch of the blood vessels under the pec minor
military brace - 1st rib to clavicle - head tilt to same side being tested
Roos’ - 3 min torture - costoclavicular issues
setting phase?
no scapular mvmnt - with 30 degrees of sh abd
what nn must be considered with a humeral fracture?
radial (patient may present with wrist drop)
if the clavicle is moved in this particular position, you should call EMS
posterior translation
6 grades of AC joint sprain
1 - mild stretching of AC and coracoclavicular lig
2- tear of AC , stretch of coracoclavicular
3- complete rupture of both AC and CC lig
4- posterior displacement of clavicle + full rupture of shit
5- tear of AC/CC + complete tear of deltoid and trap
6- clavicle posterior to coracobrachialis
define bankart lesion
permanent anterior defect of the labrum
hill-sachs lesion
divot in the humeral head cause by compression of the callused bone on the anterior superior portion of the glenoid
SLAP tear
superior labrum anterior to posterior
direction you should put someone in a sling with a anterior dislocation/posterior dislocation
ant. dislocation: add/IR + small pillow underneath
post. dislocation: slt. abd/ER
RTP criteria
int/ext strength must be at least 20% of BW
s/s of anterior instability
clicking / P at posterolateral aspect of GH joint
- may hurt for several minutes
s/s of post. instability
decreased IR esp at 90 of abd and flexion
test for supraspinatus intergrity
drop arm test (have them lift OH and then down to 90 degrees - (+) having difficulty maintaining position at 90
empty can
criteria for scapular dyskinesis
S-scapular malpositioning - sprengel’s deformity (one scapula higher than the other)
I-inferior medial border of scapula - winging
C-coracoid tendernedd
K-kinesis of scapula
Thoracic outlet syndrome can be attributed to the following compression factors:
compression b/w anterior and middle scalenes
compression of pec minor on vessels and nn behind it
compression of 1st rib and clavicle
presence of cervical rib
5 phases of throwing
wind up cocking accel decel follow through