The Ankle - Ch. 19 Flashcards
name the muscles of the anterior compartment of the lower leg? what is their main role?
innervated by?
main role: DF of foot
tib. ant
ext. hallucis longus
ext digitorum longus
deep peroneal nerve
name the muscles of the lateral compartment of the lower leg? what is their main role?
innervated by?
main role: evert the ankle and aid with DF
fibularis tertius
peroneal longus . brevis
superficial peroneal nn
name the muscles of the superficial posterior compartment. What’s their main role?
innervated by?
main role: PF
gastroc & soleus
tibial nn
name the muscles of the deep posterior compartment? main role?
innervated by?
main role: plantar flex ankle and flex toe & inver the ankle
tib. post.
flexor digitorum longus
flexor hallucis longus
tibial nn
for normal gait to occur, what are the degrees on ankle ROM that’s the minimal amount?
10 DF (w/ knee extended) 20 PF
describe the kleiger’s test
test for: sprain of the syndesmosis, interosseus or ATFL/ PTFL
patient: knee flexed with foot hanging over table
AT: hold tibia and rotate forefoot laterally into external rotation
(+): pain at distal tibiofibular joint
describe the cotton test
test for: sprain of the syndesmosis
patient: seated with ankle neutral
AT: stab. tibia + cup calcaneus –> move talus laterally
(+): pain at distal Tibfib joint
mx to injure the ATF, PTF, CF, distal syndesmotic joint
plantar flexion and inversion
mx to injure distal tibiofibular lig
forceful DF
mx to injure deltoid, tibiofibular lig + possible fibular fracture
eversion with external rotation
Describe a ‘pott’s fracture”
bimalleolar fracture (usually an avulsion on lateral and fracture on medial)
describe osteochondritis dissecans.
an osteochondral fragment usually at the superiomedial aspect of the talus - can either be nondisplaced or displaced floating fragment
s/s: pain and swelling with the sensation of locking, catching whenever they move the ankle
mng: non-displaced: ROM, joint mobs and stability
displaced: surgery usually helps
mng of subluxing peroneal tendons
compression horeshoe pad just behind the lateral malleolus to pin the tendons down - usually would have to do that for 5-6 wks
diff b/w clonic and tonic spasm?
clonic: rapid contractions with ‘no contraction’ intervals
tonic: one long sustained contraction
describe ‘tennis leg’
full rupture of gastroc and achilles tendon
what are the categories for compartment syndrome?
acute compartment syndrome
exertional compartment syndrome
chronic compartment syndrome
s/s: deep dull aching pain - change of circulation and sensations may be present
how to distinguish bone pain and soft tissue pain?
percussion - tapping above or below tender point or slapping the bottom of the heel
where would a stress fracture likely happen for a pes cavus and pes planus person?
pes cavus - tibia
pes planus - fibula