Skin Disorders - Ch.28 Flashcards
Name the 3 layers of the skin & what they contain
epidermis - outer barrier (skin)
dermis - mech. support for epidermis - bloodvessels , nn, glands
subcutis - fat
def’n of ‘cafe au lait’
areas of increased melanin
def’n of ‘celluitis’
warmth & reddening of skin
name an example of the following primary skin lesions:
macules papules plaques nodules tumors cysts wheals vescicles bullae pustules
macules - freckle papules - wart plaques - patch of dipigmentation nodules - soft mass < 1 cm size tumors - solid mass larger than 1 cm cysts - fluid filled capsules wheals - hives vesicles - smallpox bullae - larger vesicles pustules - vesicles but with pus
name an example of the following secondary skin lesions:
scale crust fissure erosion ulcer scar
scale - flakes crust - dried exudate (dried eye goop) fissure - skin crack erosion - scratch ulcer- pressure sore scar - healing of dermis
def’n of ‘hyperkeratosis’
callus formation due to external forces of rubbing - thickening of stratum corneum
MNG of hyperkeratosis
no pomus stones
external forces should be minimized
mx for blisters?
shearing (horiz) forces
s/s - hot spot with fluid filled (clear of blood)
mng - use of second skin or stop shearing force
def’n of ‘cavus purus’
hard callus
due to improperly fitted shoes & anatomical abnormalities & hammer toes
wear properly fitted shoes
def’n of ‘ cavus mollis’
soft calus
due to narrow shoes & excessive foot perspiration
wear properly fitted shoes
how do you combat excessive perspiration of feet?
apply astringent, powders, change footwear frequently
chafing? mng?
friction of an area (repeated)
cleaned and dried everyday
def’n of ‘xerotic skin’
dry skin during winter months (use any moisturizer
mng of ingrown toenails?
soak in warm water & betadine (20 mins) to soften the skin
lift nail from skin
no round cutting of the toe nail - must be cut straight
def’n of ‘abrasion’
skin scrapped across a rough surface
diff between laceration and incision?
laceration: jagged and rough cut usually deep
incision: clean and straight cut
what does irrigation do?
using a gauze soaked in saline to create moist environment for open would (not used for infection)
which is more clinically effective in healing wounds? non-occlusive or occlusive
in which situation would closing steristrips would be appropriate?
clean and smooth lacerations with areas that don’t have a lot of dynamic pull to it (face) or area of minimal movement
what gauze is indicative for puncture wounds?
impregnated gauze
def’n of methicillen resistant stephalococcus aureus (MRSA)
infection that infects any part of the body
- highly resistance to commonly used antibiotics
redness and tenderness @ site of infection
mng: antibiotics
RTP criteria for infections
no new lesions for 48 hrs
72 hrs of antibiotics tx
no drainage of wound
s/s ‘impetigo contagiosa’
itching and redness - rupture of small vesicles (likely at body folds where there is a lot of friction)
cleansing area 4/5 x /day - use of topical antibacterial cream - batroban’
no new lesions for 48 hrs after 72 hrs of antibiotic tx - no drainage of wound
s/s of furuncles?
neck, face and buttock
infection of hair follicles
mng: do not squeeze
refer to physician to drain
s/s of carbuncles?
larger, deeper + several openings in skin
mng: refer to physician
def’n of folliculitis
inflammation of hair follicle - usually from wearing tight apparel that causes moist environment
s/s: redness, warmth - openings?
mng: moist heat applied intermittently to increase circulation + antibiotics
def’n of ‘hidradenitis suppurativa’
inflamm of apocrine gland (large sweat glands)
s/s: begins as small papule - grows into tiny tumor
avoid antiperspirants, deoderants, or shaving creams
- use medicated soaps
-systemic antibiotics
def’n of paronchyia and onychia
paronchyia: infection of proximal/lateral nail folds - reddish bumps of proximal/lateral area of nailbed
infection of nail bed (avoid this bitch)
soak finger in betadine 3x/day
tetanus infection
lockjaw - caused by puncture wounds or deep lacerations
s/s - lockjaw or stiffness in neck or jaw & facial expressions are painful
mng - tetanus shot immediately - ICU
how are fungal infections transmitted?
dirty showers
contaminated clothing
direct contact
s/s & mng of ‘tinea capitis’
s/s - begins as small papule & spreads out as bald patches with grey scales
mng - antifungal shampoo with selenium sulphide
s/s & mng of ‘tinea corporis’
s/s - ring shaped - itchy red and brown spot
mng - topical antifungal (2x/day for 72 hrs)
s/s & mng of ‘tinea ungulium’
s/s - nail is thickened and separated from nail bed
mng - topical antifungal
s/s & mng of ‘tinea cruris’
“jock itch”
s/s - (B) browning of skin - sealing plaque with “snakelike border” (resembles a butterfly)
** not like erythasma - bacteral infection but NOT scaly**
mng - topical antifungal
def’n of candidiasis
caused by yeast
s/s - beefy red patches & satellite pustules
mng - maintain dry area - antifungal cream
s/s & mng of tinea versicolor
s/s- multi. macules of pink, white, and brown (don’t tan in the sun)
mng - selenium sulphide (10mins/day) for 1-2 wks
what are the two types of herpes simplex?
- outside genitals
- at genitals
s/s - N/T 24 hrs prior to apperance of lesion
takes 10-14 days to heal
def’n of herpes zoster
shingles - follows specific nn rot innervation
must wait until lesions are dry and crusty to RTP
when are antiviral meds useless?
when lesions are crusty
RTP criteria after viral infections?
5 days of systemic antiviral tx
72 hrs of no new lesions
lesions have crusted over
mng of both warts on hands and feet?
protection from further irritation
plantar warts (protect with doughnut pad)
mng of chicken pox (molloscum contagiousum)
no direct contact sports
refer to MD
s/s of contact dermatitis
- non immunological reaction to irritant
usually from plants or chemicals
s/s - onset varies (1d - 1 wk)
- redness and oozing fluid
mng - ID irritant and remove
def’n of chillbains
excessive exposure to cold
s/s - edema, redness, sensation of burning & itching
mng - ex and warming of body
if you were bitten by mites - s/s and mng?
dark lines in b/w body folds - extreme itching
mng - application of permethin (applied neck down overnight)
3 types of lice
head louse
crab louse - pubic hairs
corpus louse - body & seams of clothing
mng - NIX shampoo - wash clothes and bedding
s/s and mng of fleas?
they suck blood in counts of three
mng: calamine lotion to stop itching
s/s and mng of lyme disease and tick bites?
s/s - headache, fever, rash
small dark spots that maintain colour when pressure is applied - turns out into a peripherated blob
mng: fingernail polish to take out the tick or remove ticks head with tweezers
two spiders that are cause for concern after being bitten?
black widow and brown recluse
small puncture wound withe central blister
with mm cramps
mng: wash wound and refer to ER
criteria for malignant melanoma?
Asymmetrical - 1/2 of body isn’t symm
Border - edges are irregular and jagged
Colour - colour varies and is not consistent
Diameter - size that’s larger than a pencil eraser
mng: refer and constantly recheck condition