a patient has trouble with reading words clearly - what CN might be damaged?
CN II - optic - acuity / vision
a patient has trouble with their sense of smell - can’t differentiate between coffee and tea - what CN could be damaged?
CN I - olfactory - smell
when attempting a smooth pursuit test, a patient has the inability to look outward and down - what CN might be damaged?
CN VI - abducens - abducts the eyes (motor)
when testing a patient’s convergence with their eyes - one eye is delayed or they simply cannot perform this movement of the eyes - what CN might be damaged?
CN IV - trochlear - adduction and downward movement of the eye
a patient has general difficulty with smooth pursuits and has a hard time tracking a target in front of them - what CN might be damaged?
CN III - oculomotor
a patient has difficulty with clenching their teeth together and they also have slt. paraesthesia of their mandible - what CN might be affected?
CN V - trigeminal - sensory and motor functions of mastication
a patient has trouble with producing a smile and then a frown and also has a bit of paraesthesia of face) - what CN might be affected?
CN VII - facial - expressions
a patient’s balance and sense of hearing has been compromised - when you test them, they can hear from one ear but not the other, what CN could be damaged?
CN VIII - vestibulocochlear
a patient has trouble swallowing - what CN might be damaged?
CN IX - glossopharyngeal - gag reflex, swallowing, sensations of tongue
- *possibly CN X - test further
- *possibly CN XII - test further
a patient can’t differentiate the difference between saying ‘cah’ and ‘gah’ - what CN might be damaged?
CN X - vagus - swallowing, speech
what CN is damaged and what csp nn root is damaged when patient has difficulty shrugging their shoulders?
CN XI - accessory
C4 nn root
if you recall the small clip of shakira’s super bowl performance where she had her tongue out - what CN was she using?
CN XII - hypoglossal - tongue movements
for deep tendon reflex grading what do the following number indicate?
0 1 2 3 4
0 - no reflex 1 - reduced reflex (hyporeflexia) 2 - avg. reflex 3 - hyperreflexia **may not be pathological 4 - obvs. over exaggerated reflex
what does the absence of a superficial reflex indicate?
lesion in the spinal cord - descending cortical spinal tract
what does the presence of a pathological reflex indicate?
lesions in descending upper motor neuron
**absense indicates integrity
perform the test for presence of a babinski sign
stroke lateral-plantar aspect of foot
(+) great toe extends and toes splay outward
perform the test for the presence of clonus
forceful DF
rhythmical PF of foot
perform the test for the presence of the Chaddock reflex
similar to babinski but goes all the way to baby toe
(+) - extension of big toe
perform the test for the presence of the Hoffman’s reflex
flick the middle finger of patient
(+) - index and thumb flex together
perform the test for the presence of Gordon’s reflex
squeeze calf
(+) - big toe extension and splaying out of toes
what two test can help assess lower leg function and spot increased risk of ACL injury?
Landing error scoring system - counts landing errors
tuck jump test - 10 sec (more than 6 flaws - needs technical training)
diff between inter-rater and intra-rater reliability? what coefficient is considered very reliable/ not reliable?
inter-rater: extent to where the same examiner can get the same results every-time
intra-rater: extent to where different practitioners can be the same results on the same patient
ideally - 1.0 is reliable
anything below 0.5 isn’t as reliable
diagnostic accuracy is compared to what gold standard?
radio-graphic imaging
def’n sensitivity
increased sensitivity means that there’s a greater chance that a negative test can rule out an injury
def’n specificity
increased specificity means that there’s a greater chance that a positive test can correctly rule in an injury
name the 5D’s and 3N
drop attacks - fainting dysphagia - trouble swallowing dysarthria - trouble speaking dizziness diplopia - double vision
Numbness and tingling