The Salem Witch Trials Flashcards
What is prejudice
To pre judge someone before you know the truth.
A preconceived biased opinion about a person or group based on an aspect of their identity.
Making an assumption on someone.
The thought of judgement.
What is discrimination?
Treating people unfairly based on the colour of their skin, what they believe in or what they look like. Treating people differently based on something irrelevant.
The action of actually judging someone.
What are some types of discrimination
Islamophobia- discrimination a Muslim.
Persecution- constantly ill treating someone.
What did the trial of mercy Lewis from 11th September 1692, say about the afflicted girl
‘The afflicted girl was fitting and convulsing. When I asked her for the cause of these ills she confessed she had seen the Devil and signed his red book.
She had promised him she would lie and curse and serve him for twenty years. He has appeared to her in the shape of a Dog and this dog produced a red document. She signed her name to it and he took it away.
What are some “symptoms” of witch craft
Fitting and convulsing
Confessing to have seen the devil and signing his red book.
Why were people scared of the girl?
She had seen the devil and the people wouldn’t want to be a part of that.
They didn’t want it to spread to them as they could be killed.
It was very out of the ordinary.
They didn’t want to be cursed by her.
Who was reverend Samuel Parris?
His daughter was acting strange and having demonic activity. He got the doctor to help but there wasn’t any physical illness.
Who was Abigail Williams?
She was the cousin of the girl who started acting weird. She also started acting like this at the same time. She thinks it happened because they had been fortune telling which her father said was a demonic practice as he is a very strict puritan. She blamed the house slave for infecting them with this though, even though she knows it wasn’t her.
Who was farmer Woodward?
His farm is just outside of the village Salem. He farms rye. It’s popular and helps feed the people of the town. This years crop has been infested with rot that causes an illness which makes you break out in fits and fever. He can’t throw it away or he’ll loose money. It could be why everyone is getting ill.
Who was William Griggs?
He is the doctor. He couldn’t find anything wrong with the 2 ill girls. He thought the only answer was to diagnose them as being touched by the evil hand - witchcraft.
Who was Elizabeth Parris?
She was the girl who became ill. She started aging fits and convulsions where she blacked out and couldn’t control her body. She was shouting gibberish. Despite her father’s praying , she wasn’t healing.
Who was Tituba?
She was the slave of minister Parris and his family. She was first accused of witchcraft in 1692. After miss Parris and miss Williams became ill they accused her. She confessed. And also told the authorities about the women who practised with her. She said she was taught about voodoo and warding off evil spirits when she was a child in Barbados. She helped the girls with the voodoo as the girls father was beating the girl. Tituba went to jail for witchcraft.
Who was Nehemiah Abbott jr?
He was accused of witchcraft by Ann putman. She said that he hurt her. He has to go to trial. He said he didn’t do anything. They said he must confess or go to hell. Minister Parris heard his plea and let him go.
Who was Ann Putman?
She was a teenager who loves in the village. She is jealous that the whole town is focused on her friends who have been afflicted. She wants the attention to be on her. Her parents don’t get on well with the Parris family. She is going to pretend to be afflicted too.
Who was Giles Corey?
Him and his wife have been accused of witchcraft. He thinks that it’s all a joke. He decided not to tell the court whether he is guilty or not as he doesn’t want to “play this stupid game” . He was accused by Mercy Lewis. His punishment was death and he was executed by being crushed under 2 heavy rocks. The court tried to get him to confess while under the rocks but he refused and died after 2 days.
Who was Rebecca Nurse?
She was 71 years old and had to face trial for inflicting pain and witchcraft on Ann putman, her mother and Abigail Williams. Ann was screaming at the church and telling them that Rebecca nurse had hurt her. The court was convinced that she was a witch and was taking orders from the devil. She pleaded innocence and the court believed her but after Ann’s screams they changed their minds. She was convicted and hanged on 19th July 1692.
Who was Mercy Lewis?
Giles Corey appeared to him and urged him to write in his devil book. He continued to hurt mercy Lewis by beating him and almost breaking his back. He believes Giles Corey is an awful wizard and he should be in prison as he tortures mercy and afflicted him. Abigail Williams said she would help him convict Corey by speaking at his trial too by telling the court that she also thought he was in line with the devil.
What was the town of Salem like in 1692?
It was at war with native Americans nearby. There is strange activity and a hysterical craze and people are scared.
What are some of the reasons the people of Salem thought as to why the witching had started?
The devil was cursing them.
People doing demonic practices to summon these things. Someone believed the devil was present on earth and people were being touched by the evil hand.
What do you think started the strange behaviour?
The farmers rye became he said it was rotting and can cause illnesses that make you beeak out in fits and fevers.
Who was put on trial for being a witch/wizard?
Nehemiah Abbott junior.
Giles Corey.
Rebecca nurse.
Mercy Lewis.
Who were some of the key witnesses in saying they had been afflicted by these witches/ wizards? What did they say happened to them?
Elizabeth Parris and Abigail Williams.
Elizabeth couldn’t control her body and started talking gibberish.
Abigail said they wed fortune telling and she also couldn’t control her body.
What were some punishments if you were convicted of being a witch, or if you didn’t confess?
Being sent to jail.
Execution by being crushed under heavy rocks.
Being hung.
If you didn’t confess then you would go to hell.
Which witness is most reliable and why?
William Griggs as he was the doctor for the sick and he witnessed everything.
Which witness is least reliable and why?
Ann putman because she was more attention seeking than factual.