Persecution Flashcards
What does the word persecution mean?
To torture or bully someone.
Treat them unfairly.
When people use violence to change how people believe or how they are.
What groups of people in society today are being persecuted?
Jews,Christian’s,same sex couples, women, different religions
Hostility and ill treatment especially because of race, political or religious beliefs. There can be violence or discrimination.
A person who was killed for their beliefs.
Individuals or groups who use violence to spread their ideas.
People who use violence to enforce change or reform.
What % of all acts of religious discrimination are aimed at Christian’s?
What might religious discrimination involve?
Being forced to pay extra tax. Job discrimination. Being forbidden to build churches. Attacks on Christian homes, churches and families(including murder)
Roughly how many Christian’s are martyred every year?
8000 Christian’s
What are the top 3 countries where Christian’s are being persecuted?
- North Korea
- Somalia
- Libya
What are some other countries where Christians are being persecuted
India, Pakistan, Eritrea, Zambia, Yemen
What is happening to Christian’s in Libya?
It’s dangerous for Christians to meet together to practice their faith as they can be attacked, abducted and even murdered.
How many Christian’s are currently in North Korea?
200,000-400,000 still living there. 25% are in prison camps where they are tortured and publicly executed.
Christian’s are being martyred here and hundreds of thousands have gone missing.
What does North Korea do when world leaders visit?
Kim jong un (leader of the country) pretends that other religions are allowed.
What happened to Christians in Myanmar?
They were trying to irradiate the Christian faith.
In 2007 a report came in called “programme to destroy the Christian religion”
The first line said there shall be no home where the Christian religion is practiced.
Churches were burned and anyone who practiced it was burned or driven from their homes.
Air forces launched helicopter attacks on Christian’s areas and they killed thousands.
There are currently attacks on Christian homes.
What happened to churches in Iraq?
65 churches in the capital city and since 2003, 40 have been bombed. In 2010 Islamic militants entered a church and killed 58 people(including priests).
In 2023 there have been over 110 churches bombed/burned here.
What happened on Christmas in Iraq?
On Christmas 2013, 2 bombs exploded.
The first killed 24 and the second killed 11.
They chose Christmas Day to home as it was a religious day for Christian’s and they knew that a lot of them would all be there together.
How many Christian’s are in Iraq
In 1991 there was 1.5 million now there’s 150,000.
Some fled and some were killed.
Why is it problematic for churches to be burned?
When they are burned they can’t practice their faith. Under UDHR it says you have the right to worship freely. This means that Christian’s are having their human rights taken away from them.
What is: 1 Corinthians 12:26
And What does it mean?
“If one part suffers, every part suffers with it.”
It means the church believes it’s important to act against persecution, by supporting persecuted Christian’s wherever possible and campaigning on their behalf.
What was basically happening in Myanmar?
Irradicating the Christian faith.
And attacks on Christian’s homes.
How has the church helped persecuted Christians
• Christians have smuggled Bibles into the USSR (Russia) to strengthen and give comfort to persecuted Christians.
• The Barnabas Fund sends money to support people persecuted for their faith.
• Christian Solidarity Worldwide campaigns for religious freedom for all.
What are some things Christian’s can to do help the persecuted?
Open up conversations to educate people on the issue.
Raise awareness on social media.
Peaceful protests.
Starting petitions.
Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor gentile, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus
Name 2 Christian’s charities who help the persecuted
Open doors.
Christian solidarity worldwide.