Spanish Inquisition Flashcards
Some reasons why the Christian’s of Europe disliked Jews
The Jews jobs were to take money for rent and things as it was illegal for Christian’s to take these jobs.
They think they poisoned the wells and caused the Black Death.
They thought they killed babies.
They were seen as Christian killers who were interested in cannibalism and infanticide (killing babies)
Explain why kings and queens allowed the church to get away with murder
The king protected the church and its ministers.
To get rid of political rival.
To get rid of heretics.
How long did the Spanish Inquisition last
Over 600 years
Which king and queen began the inquisition
Isabella and Ferdinand
When did the Spanish Inquisition end
What is antisemitism
Discriminating someone because they are Jewish w
What does heresy mean
An opinion that is opposite to the churches.
Or going against the beliefs of the church
What basically happened when the Black Death came
In the Early Middle Ages Christians, Jews and Muslims lived together in mutual tolerance.
But then the Black Death came to Europe. Nearly half of the population died.
There was chaos as there were not enough people to do the work. Religious tensions increased.
What are some facts about the Black Death
Around 50million people died.
It was carried around by fleas and rats.
It started in either china or Central Asia.
It came to Europe in 1347.
It’s also known as the black plague or bubonic plague.
It destroyed the highest % of population than any other single event.
Who was blamed for the Black Death
Christian’s scapegoated Jews and blamed them for the Black Death.
What jobs did Jews have
Rent collectors
Debt collectors
Why did Jews tend to have these jobs and not catholics? What impact did this have on how Jews were viewed in society?
These jobs made people dislike the Jews even more because their jobs were to take peoples money. It increased the hatred within society. In the law it said that Catholic Church Christians were not allowed to do these jobs so the Jews were forced to do them. There was a rise in antisemitism.
How could the church get away with killing people?
Before the Reformation, Church and state were united. It was sometimes hard to tell the difference between the two. Catholic bishops installed emperors and Kings. The same Emperors and Kings then protected the Church and its Ministers.
So if you rebelled against the church you were rebelling against the king. “Divine right of kings” this means if you went against the king then you were going against god.
What was the inquisition and when was it?
It was set up within the Catholic Church to root out and punish heresy throughout Europe and the americas. Beginning in the 12th century and continuing for hundreds of years (around 600) , it’s known for the severity of its tortures and its persecution of Jews and Muslims.
What did the king and queen of Spain do to Jews.
About 200,000 Jews lived in Spain. And the king and queen thought Jews were a danger. They began a campaign against them. Its job was to stamp out heresy, but it was also used against political enemies.
If someone questioned them about it then they would immediately get rid of them
What did the king and queen of Spain do to Muslims?
There were also many Muslims in Spain. The kingdom of Granada was ruled by the Muslim Moors. King+queen of Spain were worried the moors might join with the Muslim Ottoman Empire and stop their trade. They wanted the land and wealth of Granada and also to get rid of the Muslims in Spain.
What were the 2 options the king and queen gave to Jews?
In 1492, Jews in Spain could either…
1. Become a baptised Christian
2. Leave Spain
How many executions were there in Spain
The worst manifestation was in Spain. Where the Spanish Inquisition lasted for more than 200 years. Resulting in over 32,000 executions.
Who was Thomas de Torquemada
He had a main role in the inquisition. He was most infamous inquisitor general. He was appointed by king+queen (Ferdinand and Isabella). He was a Dominican friar (monk).
He had served as confessor to the queen. Over 100,000 people were sentenced to death as heretics under his jurisdiction.