Slavery And The Cruisades Flashcards
What are some examples of Christian actions which have been criticised before?
They were criticised for doing Christian’s practices like Eucharist.
Jesus and the Pharisees who were challenged for their authority and teachings.
Jesus and his association with outcasts in society.
Martin Luther had some of the teachings in the Catholic Church which led to backlash from religious and political authorities.
Daniel from the Old Testament.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer who was a German pastor who opposed the nazi regime and was outspoken against hitler because of his beliefs.
What is pilgrimage
A journey that has a religious or spiritual significance. The journey is usually taken to a religious place e.g. Lourdes in France, where the waters are believed to have healing powers
What is the sanctity of life?
The belief that all life is god given and sacred.
What is the 10 commandments?
Laws for how people should live, given to Moses by god in the Old Testament.
What does genesis say about how good created humans
In his own “image” and “likeness” . This teaches Christians about the sanctity of life. The bible also says that while Jesus was on earth, he helped people in need and taught his followers the golden rule: “do for others what you want them to do for you”
So basically treat others how you want to be treated.
How did the golden rule influence how a Christian lives their life.
To be kind and caring towards everyone. To be polite and grateful. Forgiving. Help others. Not taking revenge. Truthful. Treat others with respect. Understand how people are feeling.
Slavery, what happened when
Between the 17th and 19th centuries, white Europeans and Americans captured black Africans and transported them to the USA in terrible conditions. Many Africans died on the Slave ships.Those that survived were sold to wealthy white Christians and forced to work for them.
What did some slave owners try to do and what do Christian’s think ?
Some slave-owners tried to justify slavery by saying that in Paul’s letters in the Bible he refers to slaves and masters, showing he accepted slavery.
However, other Christians thought that keeping people as slaves was against the Bible’s teachings about equality and the Sandity of life
What did Christians do to abolish slavery?
Christians led campaigns to abolish slavery in many countries, including the USA and Britain
After slavery was abolished, racism remained a problem. Christian leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr used Bible teachings to argue that racism was wrong.
King encouraged his supporters to peacefully protest against racism and to follow Jesus’ teachings to love and pray for their enemies.
What is a crusade
Although most Christians today believe that violence should be a last resort, this has not always been the case.
In the 11th to 13th centuries, Christians fought in wars known as the Crusades.
What happened in 1079?
In 1079, a powerful group of Muslims conquered Jerusalem. Christians were concerned that these Muslim rulers might ban them from visiting the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem
What was a popular pilgrimage site for Christian’s in 1079 and why
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.
This was a popular pilgrimage site for Christians because they believe it was where Jesus was resurrected. Christians were also worried that Islam was expanding into the ‘Christian’ city of Constantinople (present-day Istanbul).
What did the pope do in 1095
In 1095, Pope Urban Il called for an army of ‘soldiers of Christ’ to march across Europe as part of what became known as the First Crusade. Its aim was to defend Constantinople and conquer Jerusalem. The Pope promised that those taking part would be forgiven for their past sins and guaranteed a place in heaven.
How many crusaders took part in 1095 and what happened?
Approximately 60,000 Crusaders began the journey of nearly 5,000km. To avoid starvation, some of them ate dogs and rats. There were even rumours that they ate human flesh. The Crusaders looted many villages and killed a large number of Jews on the journey. Only 15,000
Crusaders survived the 4-year journey to Jerusalem.
What did the crusaders do when they got to the city / what happened?
Despite their decreased number, they managed to conquer the city. Once inside, the Crusaders looted the Islamic holy site known as the Dome of the Rock and massacred the Muslim and Jewish population. Many muslims and Jews were tortured and burned alive.
What are the crusades summed up
Cristians fought in wars called crusades.
Muslims conquered Jerusalem, Christian’s were concerned they might be banned from the church.
First crusade in 1095, the pope got soldiers to march across Europe.
When they got there the crusaders tortured and burned Muslims and Jews
What are some powerful things that Martin Luther king junior say in his “I had a dream” speech?
“All men are created equal” so everyone should be treated the same because they are the same.
“transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice” this means to change from the unfair world into a world where everything is equal and everyone is free.
“Will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character” everyone should like people for who they are inside and their own personalities.