The Motor System Flashcards
- Decrease Joint angle, flexor contracts and shortens
- Extensor is stretched and lenghtens
- Increase joint angle, Extensor contracts and shortens,
- Flexor is stretched and lengthens
Antigravity Muscles
Postural fixation
Elimination of unwanted movement at a joint (necessary for useful movement)
Parameters of muscle action
- Force
- Speed of contraction
- Resistance to fatigue
- Fineness of control
(1,2,3 result from the structure of muscle )
(4 from the structure and pattern of innervation of muscle)
Fast Twitch (white muscle)
FF fibers- fast and fatigable
FR- Fast and Resistant to fatigue
Slow twitch (Red Muscle)
S fibers- least force slowest contraction time BUT MORE RESISTANT to FATIUGUE
absence of trophic factors for muscle; spinal cord and cortex.
Viral infection, Motor neurons die; muscles atrophy (paralysis)
Motor Unit:
Single motorneuron and all muscle fibers it innervates.
- All muscle fibers in a motor unit are of the same type.
Large motor units
FF fibers
Small motor units
S fibers
Small motor unit size (Muscle Properties)
Fine Control
Large motor unit size (Muscle properties)
Force, Speed
Motor units are recruited in order of increasing size :
Smallest First, Largest Last, and drop out in reverse order.