The lower limb - bones and muscles Flashcards
What are the main bones of the lower limb?
The foot:
Calcaneus, Cuboid, Navicular, Talus
What is the origin and insertion for iliacus?
origin - Iliac fossa
insertion - lesser trochanter
What is the origin and insertion for psoas major?
Origin - Vertebrae T12-L5
Insertion - Lesser trochanter
What is the origin and insertion for gluteus maximus?
Origin - outer surface of ilium, posterior surface of sacrum and coccyx, sacrotuberous ligament, aponeurosis of erector spinae
Insertion - Iliotibial tract, gluteal tuberosity of femur
What is the origin and insertion for rectus femoris?
Origin - anterior interior iliac spine, area above acetabulum
Insertion - tibial tuberosity via patella tendon
What is the origin and insertion for vastus lateralis?
Origin - Greater trochanter, femur, intertrochanteric line, gluteal tuberosity, linea aspera
Insertion - Tibial tuberosity via patella tendon
What is the origin and insertion for vastus intermedialis?
Origin - Shaft of femur
Insertion - Tibial tuberosity via patella tendon
What is the origin and insertion for vastus medialis?
origin - Femur, intertrochanteric line, shaft of femur
Insertion - tibial tuberosity via patella tendon
What is the origin and insertion for bicep femoris?
origin - ischial tuberosity
insertion - head of fibula, lateral condyle of tibia
What is the origin and insertion for semi-memranosus?
Origin - ischial tuberosity
Insertion - medial condyle
What is the origin and insertion for Semi-tendinosus?
Origin - ischial tuberosity
Insertion - medial condyle
What is the origin and insertion for gastrocnemius?
Origin - medial and lateral condyles
Insertion - calcaneus via achilles tendon
What is the origin and insertion for soleus?
Origin - soleal line, fibula head
insertion - calcaneus via achilles tendon
What is the origin and insertion for tibialis anterior?
origin - upper 2/3 tibia, interosseous membrane
insertion - 1st cuneiform, 1st metatarsal
What is the origin and insertion for tibialis posterior?
origin - lateral tibia, interosseous membrane, medial posterior fibula
insertion - navicular, cuneiforms, cuboid, 2-4 metatarsals, calcaneus