The female reproductive system Flashcards
Define and locate the breasts
Highly modified sudoriferous glands
Situated on anterior chest, either side of mid line, overlying pectoralis muscle and 2-6 ribs
What is the structure and function of the breasts?
Glandular tissue in lobes (responsive to hormones)
Adipose tissue (fat) between lobes
Fibrous tissue form suspensory ligaments to support lobules (coopers ligaments)
Function is lactation
What is the nerve and blood supply and venous drainage of the breasts?
Nerve - intercostal
Blood - internal mammary arteries, axillary arteries, intercostal arteries
Venous drainage - internal mammary veins, axillary veins
Where does the lymphatic drainage occur to?
Superiorly to clavicular and cervical nodes
Laterally to axillary nodes
Medially to internal mammary nodes
Some cross over to contralateral nodes
What hormones effect the breasts in puberty, pregnancy and during/after childbirth?
Puberty - oestrogen and progesterone (ovaries), human growth hormone (pituitary gland)
Pregnancy - excess oestrogen and progesterone, prolactin (pituitary gland)
During and after childbirth - oxytocin and prolactin (pituitary gland)
Describe the anatomy of the ovaries
Paired organs
Each ovary has a hilus (point of entry/exit for blood vessels, nerves)
Tunica albuginea (outer fibrous membrane)
Central medulla containing blood vessels, lymphatic vessels and nerves
What is the function of the ovaries?
To produce secondary oocytes, oestrogen and progesterone
Describe the structure of the fallopian tubes
Wider near the external ends
Ends have fimbriae (projections helping to waft the oocyte (egg) into fallopian tubes when stimulated by hormones)
Infundibulum is the widest part (next to fimbriae)
Ampulla is main body
Isthmus is the thinnest part near uterus
Name the blood, lymph, nerve supply and drainage of ovaries
Nerve - obturator
Blood supply - ovarian arteries from abdominal aorta
Venous drainage - ovarian veins, right ovarian vein drains to inferior vena cava, left to left renal vein
Drainage - iliac nodes
What is the most common female endocrine disorder?
Polycystic ovaries:
- Ovaries produce excessive androgens
- Multiple immature follicles where growth has arrested
What are the parts of the uterus?
Fallopian tubes
What are the functions of the uterus?
Provides a pathway for sperm
Site of implantation of embryo and pregnancy
Site of menstruation
What is the role of the cervix?
Contains mucus to prevent infection
During pregnancy, the cervix makes thick mucus plug to protect the entrance of the utrine cavity, which is shed before delivery
What is the role of the vagina?
Extends from cervix to vulva
Able to expand during childbirth
What is the vulva made of?
Inner and outer folds of skins called the labia majora and labia minora, clitoris located at junction of labia minora