The Heart Flashcards
What does the fiberous pericardium do?
secured heart in place
What are the two layers of the serous pericardium?
Viseral and parietal pericardiums
What layer of the serous pericardium connects with the thoracic cavity?
Parietal pericardium
What is the layer of the serious pericardium which touches the heart?
Viseral pericardium
What is the myocardium?
Middle and thickest layer composed of cardiac muscle and reenforced by dense irregular connective tissue
What is endocardium?
Inner lining of the heart, covers heart valves and is contiguous with the inner lining of vessels
What circuit does the right side of the heart pump to?
What circuit does the left side of the heart pump to?
systemic circuit
What is the flow of blood in the right side of the heart?
IVC/SVC -> Right atrium ->AV valve ->Right ventricle -> pulmonary semilunar valve -> pulmonary trunk ->Right and left pulmonary arteries -> lungs
What is the flow of blood on the left side of the heart?
Lungs -> Left/right pulmonary veins -> Left atrium -> Left AV Valve -> Left ventricle -> Aortic Semilunar valve -> Aorta -> systemic circuit
What is the foramen ovale?
hole between intraatrial septum during fetal life
What is the fossa Ovalis?
Foramen ovale hole once it closes after birth and is a small depression in intratrial septum
What is the Ductus Arteriosus?
Shunt between pulmonary artery and aorta during fetal development
Ligaments arteriousum is?
What the ductus Arteriosus is called after it closes post birth
What are 5 characteristics of cardiac muscle?
Intercalated disks Striated uninucleated branch shaped involuntary control
What is the apex of the heart?
pointed inferior end of heart
What is the base of the heart?
where the great vessels emerge
How does blood flow?
From an area of higher pressure to an area of low pressue
What are the 3 layers of the heart?
What allows more blood to flow through heart?
What is located on the posterior side of heart and collects deoxygenated blood from the various cardiac veins?
The coronary sinus
What branch off the aorta and supple blood to the heart?
The right and left coronary arteries
What does deoxygenated blood do in the coronary sinus?
dumps directly into the left atrium from the coronary sinus
What takes blood AWAY from the heart?
Sulcus is a?
shallow groove in tissue
What is a fissure?
A deep groove
What anchors the atrioventricular valves to papillary muscles?
Hint-Called heart strings
chordae tendinae
The heart makes two distinct sounds called S1 and S2, what is occurring during these phases?
S1-AV valves closing
S2-Semilunar valves closing
The ventricles are contracting during which stage?
The ventricles are relaxing during which stage?
What does systole mean?
What does diastole mean?
What are the functions of the heart?
Generating blood pressure, Routing blood, Regulating blood supply
The flow of blood from the heart through the lungs back to the heart is?
Pulmonary circulation
The flow of blood from the heart through the body back to the heart?
systemic circulation
What protects the heart?
the sternum
Veins entering the right atrium of the heart carry blood to the heart from what?
systemic circulation
Veins entering the left atrium of the heart carry blood to the heart from what?
pulmonary circulation
What lie between the atria and the ventricles?
Atrioventricular valves
What do AV valves do?
prevent back flow into atria when heart contracts
What anchors AV valves to papillary muscles?
Chordea tendinease
What is the name of the AV valve on right side of heart?
Tricuspid valve
What is the name of the AV valve on the left side of heart?
Bicuspid valve
What are the ridges in the ventricles?
trabeculae carnea
What is the flow of blood through the heart?
Blood flows through the right atrium into the right ventricle and then to the lungs, then returns from the lungs to the left atrium, enters left ventricle and is pumped back to the body
How does blood return from heart tissues to the right atrium
through the coronary sinus and cardiac veins
What does Ca2+ do in regards to the heart?
Normal contraction depends on this
Prolongs absolute refractory period
What is the pacemaker of the heart?
the sino atrial node
What is intrinsic conduction system?
Sinoatrial node->atrioventricular node->bundle of his->bundle branches->Purkinje Fibers
The arium depolorizing represents what on an ekg?
P wave
The p wave represents what?
atrium depolarization
What represents ventricle depolarization?
ventricle depolorization
What does the QRS represent?
ventricle depolarization
What represents ventricle reploarization?
T Wave
What does the T wave represent?
ventricle repolarization
What is end-diastolic volume?
Volume of blood BEFORE the ventricle contracts
What is end-systolic volume?
The volume of blood AFTER contraction
What is the stroke volume formula?
What is systolic pressure?
Maximum pressure in aorta
What is systolic pressure?
minimum pressure in aorta
Mean arterial pressure is?
average blood pressure in aorta
Formula for mean arterial pressure is?
What is the formula for cardiac output?
Cardiac output=Heart rate x stroke volume
What is Frank Starlings Law?
an increased preload causes cardiac muscle fibers to contract with a greater force and produce a greater stroke volume
What is preload?
More in=More out
What is after load?
pressure against which ventricles must pump blood
Where are the cardioregulation centers located?
medulla oblongata
What do baroreceptors do?
Monitor blood pressure
What are small muscular ridges found in portions of the atria?
Pecinate muscles
When the ventricle is relaxed the chordae tendon are?
What forms the outer layer of the pericardial sack?
the fiberous pericardium
What structures return blood to the right atrium?
Coronary sinus, IVC/SVC
During the transmission of action potentials through the conducting system of the heart, there is a temporary delay at the
AV Node-“The Gatekeeper”
The greatest amount of ventricular filling occurs during?
The first two thirds of diastole
While the semilunar valves are open during a normal cardiac cycle, the pressure in the left ventricle is?
greater than pressure in aorta
Concerning aortic pressure curve, what produces the dicrotic notch?
elastic recoil of the aorta
The pressure in the left ventricle fluctuates between?
120 and 0mm HG
Parasympathetic nerve fibers are found in the _________ nerves and release ________ at the heart.
Vagus nerves
Increased parasympathetic stimulation of the heart does what?
decreases heart rate
Because of the baroreceptor reflex, when normal arterial blood pressure decreases, the?
heart rate increases
When there is a large decrease in blood pressure what occurs?
sympathetic stimulation of the adrenal gland increases
An increase in extracellular K+ levels could cause?
a decrease in heart rate and possibly AV node block
What occurs with age?
Cardiac output decreases
The heart takes longer to contract and relax, resulting in a decreased maximum heart rate
Increased likely hood of cardiac arrhythmias
Left ventricle hypertrophies