The Gentlewomen - language and representation Flashcards
What are some of the conventions of magazine media language?
- coverlines
- sell lines
-house style
-anchorage - date line and cover price
- puff
- barcode
- masthead
- main image of key signifier
- slogan
What are some of the theories that can be used when analysing the front cover?
- Our eyes usually follow a Z-line or F-line, reading the top branch first then bottom branch and finally vertical line
-Kress and Van Leewan’s theory: elements on the left of the magazine are ‘given’ and are safe elements known to the reader. New elements are placed on the right and could be contested by the reader
-Magazines are designed in grids in 1/3rds: top third is masthead, middle is key image and bottom is a banner/main cover line
How is Dyer’s star power usually conveyed in magazines?
Mastheads are often behind the key image to make the cover star seem more important; these key stars often use direct address to grab our attention.
Putting the masthead behind and covering some of it up makes the assumption the consumer knows what magazine it is, giving it an element of prestige
What are some of the things to consider when analysing a magazine front cover?
- balance - even distribution?
- hierarchy of information - what stands out?
- readability - is it easy to read?
- typography - does it use serif font to convey formality and authority or sans serif to be accessible and friendly
- does it include teasers - this should include brief indication of content within the publication used to encourage the reader to purchase the publication
What is the typography of the gentlewomen like?
-lower case masthead - opposes ‘rules’ for capitalisation, implying alternative to conventional expectations. Also create more personalisation for the niche audience rather than trying to stand out to masses
-serif futura font - modern font to take a contemporary and progressive tone. Sans serif is used for anchorage to show respect and sophistication of key signifier. The fact this is the only over text and it’s centralised makes Johansson seem important
- lack of cover lines - simplistic and atypical to show originality and non-conformity. It doesn’t rely on impulse buyers so no need for cover lines to compete for the reader’s attention - keeps it sophisticated for the audience who do want to buy the magazine
What’s the positioning and layout of the front cover like?
The key signifier is shown in a close up shot, contained by a frame. This makes the reader feel like there’s more to see as something is hidden from us
How does the front cover create enigma codes making us want to buy the magazine?
Lack of cover lines
Lack of context or teasers about story on Johansson
What is the mode of address of the front cover?
Johansson’s half-open, dreamy eyes as well as direct address conveys a soft confidence. The minimalist approach keep us focused on her and her star power, as there’s no competing cover lines or puffs to divert attention, but it also ensures sophistication
What are the colours of the front cover trying to show?
The bold colours ‘fill’ the cover as opposed to creating a need for puffs, banners and graphics. Similarly, the makeup of the key signifier contrasts and even clashes with the orange to target a niche audience interested in subverting fashion trends
Some may say the pop art colours emphasise a tension between her private life and public identity
What is the house style of the gentlewomen like?
The magazines always have the masthead at the top, cover line at the bottom and key signifier in a frame in the middle - could be said to follow the 1/3rd grids theory. It creates a minimalist style
The message is therefore clear that this is the gentlewomen and this is their story. It aims to represent real women and the way they actually think, look and dress
How is intertextuality used on the front cover?
The stylised makeup representation alludes to her role as super-hero, black widow
What are the different interpretations of Johannsson’s makeup?
Make up could reflect that of a drag queen or of a circus as it has an element of hyper realism with the thick eyebrows and full lipstick, showing gender fluidity. The only thing that tells us it’s a women is the anchorage, giving it a broader appeal and creating enigma codes
What is the mode of address of the whole magazine?
Minimalist approach suggests a no-nonsense mode of address with a focus on the women and what that means in a current era
What is the main technique used on the front cover to help the independent magazine stand out (Hesmondhalgh)
Star power
What’s significant about the angle of the shot that the main image is taken at?
The low angle elevates the model and refuses to serve an objectified agenda which invites the male gaze