The French Revolution, Napoleon, and the Congress of Vienna Flashcards
National Assembly
What the Third Estate declared itself, named itself the Constituent Assembly later because it was drafting a constitution
Tennis Court Oath
National Assembly won’t disband until it writes a new constitution for France
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
Passed by the National Assembly, freedom of speech, thought, and religion guaranteed, due process of law, no taxes without the consent of the government, the whole nation had the right to rule
March on Versailles
A Paris mob, mostly of women, forced the king to relocate to Paris
Declaration of Pillintz
Austria threatened to use military action to restore order to France
leader of the Jacobins, pushed for the execution of Louis XVI, led the Committee of Public Safety which launched the Reign of Terror
incited the march on Versailles
an original Jacobin
a fortress that symbolized royal injustice, a Parisian mob stormed it
Old Regime/estate system
feudal structure left over from the Middle Ages
First estate-clergy
Second estate-nobility
Third estate-everyone else; subjected to oppressive taxes
radical republicans
wanted constitutional monarchy, supported by peasants in rural areas
National Convention
the new assembly under the republic (the first republic was declared Sept 21, 1792)
The Thermidorian Reaction
moderate bourgeoise reformers back into power
Code Napoleon
1804, state-supported educational system, merit system, uniform legal system, lowered taxes on farmers, guaranteed church lands redistributed during the revolution would remain in peasant hands (==> independent peasantry)
placing relatives on thrones - Napoleon did this on the thrones of countries he conquered
Battle of Leipzig
Napoleon was defeated by the combined forces of Russia, Prussia, and Austria in 1813
restored to the throne after Napoleon abdicated and refused the Frankfurt Proposals (which would have kept him on the throne but made him withdraw from Germany), Louis XVIII (r. 1814-1824)
Congress of Vienna
- Goal: return of balance of power.
- Austria (Metternich), England (Castelreagh), Russia (Tsar Alexander), Prussia (Prince Hardenberg)
- Prevent French expansion: surround it by strong states - Kingdom of the Netherlands (Holland + Belgium), Prussian satellite area on the Rhine, Austrian buffer states in Italy
- HRE not reestablished
- prevented general war for 100 years
- Concert of Europe: Prussia, Russia, Austria, and England maintain status quo of Treaty of Versialles
Estates General
When Louis XVI tried to tax the clergy and nobility, the Parlement of Paris said he couldn’t do it without the consent of the Estates General, a representative body of the three estates
The Great Fear
spread through the countryside as the third estate burned noble estates and destroyed feudal records
Civil Constitution of the Clergy
made the Church under the authority of the state, alienated many
Flight to Varennes
stopped, the king became a prisioner
First Coalition
alliance of Austria, England, Netherlands, Prussia, and Spain to combat French
The Directory
5-member executive, 1795-1799
Women’s role in the revolution
March on Versailles, started to participate in political club meetings
Concordat of 1801
Napoleon’s agreement with the Pope, papacy renounced claims to church property seized during the revolution
Napoleon’s conquests
Italy- virtually all under his control by 1809, decided against national unity, abolished feudalism
Germany- created the Confederation of the Rhine, abolished feudalism, carried out reforms, awakened German nationalism
The Continental System- close ports to Britain
Spain- replaced Spanish king with one of his brothers, ==> guerrilla war, British aided by Duke of Wellington
Russia- failed invasion after they backed out of the Continental System, Russians used “scorched earth” tactics, ruined Napoleon’s army and image
Hundred Days
Napoleon came back, but was defeated by Prussia at Waterloo, was forced back into exile