The domestic and foreign policies of Harding and Coolidge Flashcards
Overview of Harding and Coolidge
A bad press by historians due to the lack of domestic reform and reversion to a policy of isolationism.
What was Coolidge given credit for?
• 1923-1929
Coolidge was given credit for a booming economy at home and isolationist policy abroad which had begun under Harding and continued under Coolidge in his first year as president (1923)
Why did Harding achieve little?
Harding achieved very little due to his belief in ‘normalcy’ and a return to the very limited government intervention of the nineteenth century
Why did Coolidge win the president election in 1923?
Coolidge was helped by a split within the Democratic Party. Many liberal Democrats left the party and backed the third-party campaign, who was running for the Progressive Party due to the Democratic candidate being a conservative
What did Coolidge’s victory in 1924 imply?
Coolidge’s election victory of 1924 led to an extension of Republican pro-business policies, with low taxation, low interest rates and minimum government spending.
Criticism of Coolidge
He had a superiority complex and, despite knowing that the UKA had problems, did very little to address the,
What was the reason for increased intervention in Latin America in the 1920s
The Monroe Doctrine and the emergence of the Good Neighbour Policy, which cultivated good relations with latin America.
What did economic involvement in Latin America encourage?
It encouraged more political and military intervention in order to safeguard these economic interest.
Stats that shows America economic involvement in Latin America
US investment in Latin America doubled in the years 1924-1929 from $1.5 billion t $3 bullion.
Example of economic involvement in Latin America
• General Electric
In 1923, General Electric set up the American and Foreign Power Company and controlled the provision of electricity in eight Latin American countries.
What was the Kemmerer Plans
It helped to stabilise and develop the economies of such countries by offering advice on sound currency and central banks
What was the problems of Kemmerer Plans?
Such investment increased US involvement in order to protect these investment.
Example of increased US involvement under the Kemmerer Plans
For example, it would intervene to prevent US lans being spend by corrupt officials on luxuries.
Military intervention in Latin America
The USA was reluctant to sanction military intervention because it was expensive and unpopular with taxpayers
Settling disputes Latin America
• Nicaragua
In 1925, US troops were withdrawn from Nicaragua in order to improve relations between the two countries
Settling disputes in Latin America
• Nicaragua
In 1926, 5,000 troops were sent back in due to the outbreak of civil war.
Harding achievement
• Social legislation
The Sheppard-Towner Maternity Aid Act was passed, which provided federal aid to states to encourage them to build infant and maternity health centres.