Intolerance in US society in the 1920s Flashcards
Why were immigrants less welcome in the years after 1900?
They provided competition for jobs and brought different customs and attitudes.
How did the First World War contribute to the opposition to immigrants?
1) Anti-German feelings fuelled and encouraged support for restrictions on immigration.
2) Most Americans did not want to be dragged into another major war
What did Americans blame immigrants for?
The appearance of immigrant ghettos in the big northern cities of American were often associated with drunkenness and violence.
How did change attitudes towards immigrants
Americans blamed on rivalries between countries in Europe and wanted the USA to isolate itself from events in Europe.
Changes in immigration policy
• Literacy Act 1917
Taking a literacy test in order to prove they could read a short passage in English
Problems with the Literacy Act 1917
Many people from poorer countries, especially in Eastern Europe, could not afford to take English lessons and failed the test
Changes in immigration policy
• The Immigration Quota Act 1921
New immigrants were allowed in as a proportion of the number of people of the same nationality who had been in America in 1910
Impact of the Immigration Quota Act 1921
This reduced the number of immigrants from Eastern Europe because relatively few had emigrated before 1910.
Immigrants from Japan, China and Easter Europe
It was only till 1930 in which immigration from Japan, China and Eastern Europe had ceased.
The significance of the Sacco and Vanzetti case
Name 3 points
1 ) It showed the intolerance of US society.
2) They were victims of racial discrimination and were denied rights entitled to them.
3) It exposed the unfairness of the American legal system due to the publicity of the case
Reason for the revival of the KKK during the years after the First World War
1) After WW1, labour tensions rose as veterans tried to re-enter the workforce
2) Increasing industrialisation, which brought more and more workers to towns and cities. Klan grew rapidly in cities.
3) The Birth of Nation released in 1915 reinforced the idea of white supremacy.
Facts about the KKK members in the 1920s
In 1920, the Klan had 100,000 members. By 192, it claimed to have over 5 million.
They were generally white, Protestant and racist.
Activities of the KKK
Members of the Klan carried out lynchings of African Americans and beat up and mutilated anyone they considered to be their enemy.
Reason for the decline of the KKK
The Klan declined after 1925 when one of its leaders was convicted of a sexually motivated murder.
Many dissociated themselves when public opinion began to turn against Klan’s activities.
The Monkey Trial 1925
• Cause
Six US states decided to ban the teaching of Darwin’s theory of evolution in their schools.
The significance of the Monkey Trial 1925
It showed the differences between the beliefs of rural (Fundamentalist) and urban Americans