Reasons and impact of industrial growth in 1865-1877 Flashcards
Reason for industrial growth 1865-1877
• The impact of the Civil War
1) It stimulated the demand for manufactured goods, as the army needed guns and clothing as well as transport.
2) The war provided the necessary financial infrastructure to stimulate economic growth.
Reason for industrial growth 1865-1877
• Availability of land
With increased westward settlement, it had created a market for manufactured goods and encouraged further railroad development.
Greater demand for food, expanding export market and encouraged greater mechanisation in agriculture.
Reason for industrial growth 1865-1877
• Population
Provided an ample source of cheap labour for economic expansion.
In 1860, the population of the USA was 31.5 million but this had increased to 50 million by 1880.
Reason for industrial growth 1865-1877
• Transport
Railroad provided a fast and efficient means of transporting raw materials such as coal from the West Virginia.
Reason for industrial growth 1865-1877
• The availability of capital
The huge profits generated by the Civil War had encouraged the emergence of a highly developed stock market.
Reason for industrial growth 1865-1877
• The availability of capital - facts
By 1865, the annual turnover of the New York Stock Exchange was over $6billion, and by 1890, it had become the second largest money market in the world.
Reason for industrial growth 1865-1877
• The role of government
Minimal government interference
Businessmen had substantial freedom in running their enterprises.
Reason for industrial growth 1865-1877
• The role of government - example
There were no laws restricting hours of labour and there were no taxes on profits.
Reason for industrial growth 1865-1877
•The role of government - tariffs
Congress imposed protective tariffs to ensure that foreign-manufactured goods were more expensive than home-produced goods.
Reason for industrial growth 1865-1877
• The role of government - trade unions
Businesses did not have to deal with trade unions and were free to manage their workforce any way they wanted.
Reason for industrial growth 1865-1877
• The role of government - industrial disputes
Employers were often supported by state and federal authorities who would use troops to deal with workers’ demands for better pay or shorter working hours
Reason for industrial growth 1865-1877
• Corporations
It led to the growth of big industries in the USA
Corporations could own a number of businesses and could hire the management it wanted to run the corporation.
Reason for industrial growth 1865-1877
• Trusts
Designed to avoid state laws within the legal framework.
Reason for industrial growth 1865-1877
• Technological innovation
Andrew Carnegie and the Bessemer Converter, which made the process of steel production much cheaper.
The Depression of 1873
• Causes
1) The poor state of the American banking system. Anyone could set up a bank and operate it independently.
2) Local banks kept their deposits in larger privately owned banks.
3) It was the principal investor of the Northern Pacific Railroad and its failure led to the collapse of hundreds of other companies
The Depression of 1873
• Example
1 in 4 labourers in New York were out of work in the winter of 1873-1874 and nationally one million became unemployed
The impact of industrial growth
• Urbanisation
Industrial development brought massive changes to towns and cities.
Before 1860, there were only 16 cities in the USA with a population of 50,000 or more.
The impact of industrial growth
• The spread of slums
The rapid influx of workers led to the hasty construction of poor quality housing, often overcrowd and polluted slums
The impact of industrial growth
• Agriculture
Farmers did not prosper in the same way as industry in the years after the Civil War.
The impact of industrial growth
• What happened to farmers
Farmers incurred debts due to borrowing for the purchase of land and mechanisation and being over-dependent on unreliable overseas markets.