Foreign Policy under Eisenhower 1950-1960 Flashcards
Warsaw Pact 1955
Khrushchev created the Warsaw Pact in order to tighten the Soviet bloc militarily.
It was designed to counter the threat of NATO.
Implication of the Suez crisis in 1956
1) Britain and France were no longer world powers and were heavily dependent on the USA
2) It increased America involvement in the Middle East.
The Eisenhower Doctrine 1957
• Congress
In 1957, Eisenhower asked Congress for military and economic aid for any Middle East country that was threatened by aggression or subversion.
What was US’s reaction to Britain and France invasion of the Canal Zone in Suez in 1956
The USA forced Britain and France to withdraw invading the Suez Canal Zone in 1956 because they had acted without keeping Eisenhower informed
Intensions behind US’s reaction in Suez in 1956
Eisenhower wanted to keep in with the Arab nations, believing the Western world needed their oil and friendship against the Communist bloc.
What happened in the Suez Crisis 1956?
The Egyptian leader took control of the Suez Canal, which was an important trade waterway that gave a quicker route from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean.
The Eisenhower Doctrine 1957
• Containment
An extension of containment to the Middle East, as the USA gave and sold increasing amounts of armaments to their allies in this area.
What was Khrushchev foreign policy in 1955?
• Germany
Khrushchev tried to stir up the West Europeans to halt German rearmament and to win friends in the Middle East
What was Khrushchev foreign policy in 1955?
• Naval base
Khrushchev retuned a naval base to Finland and decreased the Red Army by half a million men
Khrushchev agreement with the USA
Khrushchev agreed to talks on agriculture and the peaceful use of atomic energy with the USA
The Austrian peace treaty May 1955
• What is it?
Khrushchev signed the Austrian peace treaty, under which the four occupying powers at last got out of Austria, which became an independent and neutral state.
The Austrian peace treaty May 1955
• Implication
The Soviet Union had thus surrendered territory for the first time since the Second World War
Communist in Hungary
Moderate Communists in Hungary threatened to leave the Warsaw Pack, Khrushchev sent in tanks to quell the rebellion
Khrushchev’s policy in 1956
In 1956, Khrushchev began a policy of relaxing the controls Stalin had imposed on Eastern Europe.
Why did US not intervene in Hungary?
The US government did not intervene because a more moderate government in Hungary might have helped the USA ‘contain’ the Soviet Union
The risks of intervention were thought to be too high
What was Britain and France reaction for the Suez Crisis in 1956?
Britain and France were particularly angered and with Israel’s help, invaded the Canal Zone
Later development for Egypt and Syria after the Suez Crisis in 1956
• Turned to the USSR
Egypt and Syria turned increasingly to the USSR, as the Anglo-French actions had reminded them of the Western ‘colonial’ mentality.
Later development for Egypt and Syria after the Suez Crisis in 1956
• armaments
Both the USA and the USSA fave and sold increasing amounts of armaments to their allies in Egypt and Syria