Interpretations of Reconstruction Flashcards
Political effects
• Treatment to the South
The North was not harsh on the South during Reconstruction
Economic effects
• Overview
A positive effect on the economy of the USA, which developed into a true industrial power.
Economic effects
• The progression in the South
From 1867 to 1873 the South benefitted from general US prosperity and from high cotton prices.
Railroads were rebuilt and textile manufacturing expanded.
Economic effects
• Deterioration in the South
The South remained an economically depressed region with considerable poverty
Economic effects
• Example in the South
By 1870 the average white Southerner’s income had fallen to two-fifths that of a Northerner’s income
What was the economic effects in the South
• Agriculture
The South remained a predominantly agricultural area heavily dependent on the cotton plantations.
A glut of cotton in the 1870s led to a sharp fall in prices and harder times for the workers on the plantations.
Emancipation for AA and Reconstruction
The Civil War had led to the to the emancipation of around 4 million slaves.
The vote for African Americans and the Reconstruction
Two black Senators and 20 black Representatives were elected to Congress and large numbers of African American were elected to state legislatures
Employment for African Americans after Reconstruction
Little or no land was given to the ex-slaves.
The impact of Johnson’s call of the return of confiscated land in 1865
Any confiscation and redistribution of land could have alienated white Southerners.
Progress for African Americans after Reconstruction
AA had more control over their lives than under slavery.
Progress for African Americans after Reconstruction
• Sharecroppers
Most AA became sharecroppers (tenant farmers) during the 1870s
Progress for African Americans after Reconstruction
• How did sharecroppers work
White landowners provided the land, seeds and tools and black tenants provided the labour, giving American farmers the freedom from day-to-day supervision.
Progress for African Americans after Reconstruction
• Problems with sharecroppers
The fall in cotton prices of the early 1870s resulted in economic hardship fro many sharecroppers.
Discrimination for AA after Reconstruction
The laws discriminated against African Americans who facilities were invariably inferior to those of their white counterparts.
• What did it do
Many African Americans faced intimidation and violence from white racists in the South.
• Background
The Klan was set up in 1866 and became active in several states, intimidating African Americans into not voting through beatings and lynchings.
The impact of the KKK
Its terrorist activities reached a peak in the years 1869-1871. Blacks who held public office, black schools and churches were particular targets.