The Cubital Fossa and Forearm Flashcards
The Cubital Fossa: junction between the
arm (brachium) & forearm regions (antebrachium)
Boundaries of the Cubital Fossa:
brachioradialis muscle
Boundaries of the Cubital Fossa:
pronator teres muscle
Boundaries of the Cubital Fossa:
an imaginary line between medial & lateral epicondyles of humerus
Boundaries of the Cubital Fossa:
Roof (3)
skin, superficial & deep fascia, bicipital aponeurosis
Boundaries of the Cubital Fossa:
Floor (2)
supinator (deep, not shown) and brachialis muscles
Contents of the Cubital Fossa (5)
- median nerve
- Brachial a. with bifurcation of radial & ulnar arteries
- brachial veins (venae comitantes)
- tendon of biceps brachii & bicipital
aponeurosis - radial nerve
radial nerve includes (2)
- deep radial nerve
* superficial radial nerve
Posterior to the Cubital Region: Elbow Region (4)
- triceps and olecranon process
- anconeus
- ulnar nerve runs posterior to medial epicondyle of humerus
- posterior ulnar recurrent artery also runs posterior to medial epicondyle
supinated position is
anatomical position
pronated (or semipronated) position is
how we naturally tend to hold our forearm
FOREARM (ANTEBRACHIUM) and HAND: Anterior Compartment (flexor-pronator) = Posterior Compartment (extensor-supinator) =
Anterior Compartment (flexor-pronator)
= Ulnar & Median Nerves
Posterior Compartment (extensor-supinator)
= Radial Nerve
— — surrounds and invests the forearm and is continuous with the brachial fascia of the arm
Antebrachial fascia
Cutaneous Nerves of Forearm (3)
Musculocutaneous n. (lateral antebrachial cutaneous n.)
Medial antebrachial cutaneous n.
Radial n. (posterior antebrachial cutaneous n.)
Blood Supply to Forearm: Cubital Anastomoses Anastomoses between (2)
Brachial Artery – Ulnar Artery
Deep Brachial Artery – Radial & Interosseous Arteries
Brachial Artery – Ulnar Artery
- Superior ulnar collateral – Posterior ulnar recurrent
* Inferior ulnar collateral – Anterior ulnar recurrent
Deep Brachial Artery – Radial & Interosseous Arteries
- Radial collateral artery – Radial recurrent artery
* Middle collateral artery – Interosseous recurrent artery
Radial and Ulnar arteries: Forearm
Anterior Forearm: (3)
- ulnar artery (proper)
- radial artery (proper)
- anterior interosseous a.
Palmaris longus:
Proximal Attachment
-medial epicondyle of humerus
Radial and Ulnar arteries: Forearm Posterior Forearm (4)
- radial artery (proper)
- recurrent interosseous a.
- posterior interosseous a.
- Dorsal carpal branch (ulnar a.)
Palmaris longus:
Distal Attachment
-flexor retinaculum; continuous with palmar aponeurosis
Palmaris longus:
Actions (2)
flexes hand at wrist,
tenses palmar aponeurosis
Palmaris longus:
- median nerve
Pronator teres:
-coronoid process of ulna
Pronator teres:
-middle of lateral surface of radius
Pronator teres:
Actions (2)
-pronates and flexes forearm at elbow
Pronator teres:
- median nerve
Flexor carpi radialis:
medial epicondyle of humerus
“common flexor origin”
Flexor carpi radialis:
-base of 2nd metacarpal
Flexor carpi radialis:
Actions (2)
-flexes and abducts hand at wrist
Flexor carpi radialis:
- median nerve
Flexor carpi ulnaris:
PA (2)
- medial epicondyle of humerus (humeral head)
- Olecranon & posterior border of ulna (ulnar head)
Flexor carpi ulnaris:
DA (3)
hook of hamate,
5th metacarpal
Flexor carpi ulnaris:
Actions (2)
-flexes and adducts hand at wrist
Flexor carpi ulnaris:
- ulnar nerve
Flexor digitorum superficialis:
PA (2)
- medial epicondyle of humerus,
- superior ½ of anterior border of radius
Flexor digitorum superficialis:
-shafts of middle phalanges of medial 4 digits
Flexor digitorum superficialis:
Actions (2)
-flexes middle phalanges at proximal
interphalangeal joint,
-flexes proximal phalanges at metacarpophalangeal joints
Flexor digitorum superficialis:
-median nerve
Flexor digitorum profundus:
PA (2)
-proximal ¾ of medial and anterior surfaces of ulna and interosseous
Flexor digitorum profundus:
-bases of distal phalanges of 2nd-5th fingers
Flexor digitorum profundus:
-flexes distal phalanges at interphalangeal joints (power grip)
Flexor digitorum profundus:
Inn (2)
- median*
- anterior interosseus nerve branch from median nerve
- ulnar nerves
Flexor pollicis longus:
PA (2)
- anterior surface of radius
- interosseous membrane