The Council of Nicea Flashcards
Where does “Ecumenical” come from?
Oikoumene, meaning “all the (inhabited) world”, a reference to the Christian mandate to proselytize
What is notable about the Ecumenical councils?
They were all called by Emperors, and therefore were political in nature.
What was the first Ecumenical Council?
The Council of Nicea.
Why was the Council of Nicea called?
An opportunity for the bishops, being the leaders of the Christian faith, to agree upon some basic tenets, and to agree upon what was heresy.
Who was Arius and why is he important in the Council of Nicea?
He taught subordinationism, an idea influenced by Plato that declared the Son to be subordinate to the Father, as he was not co-eternal. Considered the Son to be made by the Father.
Who was Athenasius and why is he important in the Council of Nicea?
A deacon in Alexandria who refuted Arius’ teachings and made arguments for the three “co’s” of Christianity.
What were the three “co’s” of Christianity?
The belief that the Son was Co-Eternal, Consubstantial, and Co-Equal to the Father.
Why was Antioch and Alexandria important to the Council of Nicea?
Antioch and Alexandria were home to rival catechetical schools that disagreed with each-other. Arius was from Antioch; Athenasius from Alexandria.
Why was Byzantium/Constantinople important to the Council of Nicea?
Constantinople was the headquarters of Constantine, the capital of the Roman Empire, and close to Antioch, therefore giving Antioch political connections.
What was Early Church Apostolic Succession like?
The early church organized itself into Apostles, Elders/Teachers, Prophets and The People. All had different roles and different Charisms.
How did Apostolic Succession change?
Death of the Apostles -> Bishops consolidate power -> Prophets vanish quickly - > Deacons and Priests serve under Bishops -> the People become the Laity, re-organization of power.
What was the Nicene Creed?
The result of the Council of Nicea, the Creed established the three co’s in regards to the Son’s relationship to the Father, and contained much of the Apostolic Creed.
What was the Apostolic Creed?
A result of the nearly-fixed canon of the NT, this was a traditional set of confessional statements from scripture commonly used in Christian Worship by the time of the Council of Nicea.
Define Co-Eternal
The Three Persons of the Trinity are equally Eternal. None precede the others.
Define Consubstantial
The Three Persons of the Trinity are of the same divine substance.
Define Co-Equal
The Three Persons of the Trinity are all equal to each-other; none are greater or lesser.
What was the result of the Council of Nicea?
Arius was deemed a heretic and exiled; the Son and the Father’s relationship was established; the Nicene Creed was agreed upon almost unanimously.
Who was Theodosius I?
The Emperor who codified Christianity and decreed it a dominant religion.
What is the Edict of Thessolonica?
Issued by Theodosius I, Imposed Nicene Christianity as the official religion of the Empire.
Which Council is Theodosius I responsible for?
The Council of Constantinople.