New Testament / Jesus Flashcards
What were the 5 Jewish Sects that existed during Roman Occupation?
Sadducees, Pharisees, Essenes, Zealots and Samaritans.
Who were the Sadducees?
The priestly nobility, had control over the temple cult, considered the ruling class, prioritized ritual purity.
Who were the Pharisees?
Teaches of the law who gained prominence after the destruction of the temple, wanted to avoid Greek influence.
Who were the Essenes?
Pietist critics of Jewish religion and ascetic separatists. Developed their own body of texts, heavily mystical.
Who were the Zealots?
Anti-Roman political radicals, aching for a Judean overthrow of the Romans.
Who were the Samaritans?
A group of people who claimed to be a remnant of the 10 tribes of Israel, generally disliked by Jews.
Who was Jesus?
A Jew born in Bethlehem, from the town of Nazareth, a carpenter, a man whose death gave birth to what would start out as a Jewish sect and transform into a new religion.
What does Jesus Christ’s name mean?
aka “Yeshua” or “God Saves”. “Christ” = “Christos”, Greek for “messiah”
What makes the circumstances of Jesus’ birth important?
Bethlehem is a significant city in Jewish history, and fulfills a prophecy related to the Messiah. Joseph from the line of David.
Explain the circumstances of Jesus’ Baptism.
Baptized by John the Baptist, marks the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. Judaic baptism was a cleansing ritual, often called the Mikvah. In Christianity it becomes an initiation.
Why is Jesus’ Baptism important?
It is done in order to fulfill prophecies about the Messiah. The revealing of the dove and it’s relation to God becomes important in the introduction of the Trinity.
What does the New Testament Contain?
The 4 Gospels, Acts, the Letters (many of which are attributed to Paul) and Revelation - the eschaton of Christianity.
What was the Septuagint?
Greek translation of the Old Testament, supposedly the collaboration of 70 Greek authors who arrived at the same translation.
What was the Vulgate?
The first Latin translation of the OT and the NT.
What was the Last Supper or the Eucharist?
A reclaiming of the Passover as it happened in Jewish Tradition, meant to symbolize Jesus’ last meal on earth.
What is important about the Ascension?
Jesus’ promise that he will return, as well as his mandate to spread the message of his resurrection etc.
What is important about the Resurrection?
Empty tomb discovered by women, Jesus must resurrect for his sacrifice to be effective, meant to fulfill the Jewish covenant with God.
What are the Charisms?
Spiritual Gifts. Eucharist means to receive a gift.
What is the Ekklesia?
This means the church, referred to the community assembled under the Holy Spirit and recipient of spiritual gifts. Use was popularized by Paul.
Why is Jesus’ crucifixion so important?
Dying on a tree was a humiliating Jewish death, Jesus’ death was equivalent to a Passover sacrifice, Jesus was executed like a criminal.