Original Sin and the Incarnation Flashcards
What are the essential elements of Christian Doctrine?
The Trinity, the Incarnation, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection, the Ascension, the Church, The Mystical Body of Christ, the Sacraments, and the Eschaton
Where do Christians get the doctrine of Original Sin?
Genesis; creation and “Fall”.
What is Original Sin?
A structural corruption of the body, which leads to disease and death, as well as a structural corruption of the rational soul, leading to an inclination to sin.
What does Western Christianity incorporate in the understanding of Original Sin that Eastern Christianity does not?
Guilt and Debt
Why is Original Sin relevant to modern Christians?
Because Christians believe it is passed on through our “substance.”
What is Pelagianism?
Related to the scholar Pelagius, it was a heresy that claimed that humans were socialized to sin, but were not inherently sinful.
How does the Eastern view of Grace affect their interpretation of Original Sin?
Humans only inherit a partial amount of the Original Sin, and can be “helped” towards salvation: salvation is a partnership.
Who was Augustine? Why was he important?
A theologian from 354-430 AD. Believed Original Sin was passed on through the act of sex; sex was inherently sinful.
From whom did the idea of debt originate?
Originated with Tertullian, Augustine continued with it.
What is Traducianism?
traduce = “to bring over” in Latin, referred to the belief that one’s physical and metaphysical “substance” carried over the sin of one’s in a hereditary way.
How did Augustine’s view of Original Sin affect the idea of guilt and debt?
Salvation is considered to be 100% through God’s will, prior to baptism. After Reform, this was extended to after baptism as well.
Why is Original Sin so important?
Adam the prototype of man. Adam’s sin passed down through men. All men therefore corrupt and corruptible.
What is Predestination?
aka “Special election”, a belief that man cannot save himself and salvation is due to God’s decision to save whom he chooses.
What are the four Models of Christ’s role?
Teacher/Exemplar, Economic Sacrifice, Healer/Restorer, New Creation
How is Christ interpreted as Teacher?
He provided a way to live, and a re-interpretation of the Mosaic Law. Came to fulfill the spirit of the Law, and separate it from the letter of the law. Elaborated through Paul.
How is Christ interpreted as an Economic Sacrifice?
A combination of Roman Inheritance Law and Temple Atonement practises meant that Jesus’ sacrifice through his death paid off the debt incurred through humanity’s sinfulness.
How does Eastern Christianity interpret the Economic Sacrifice?
As a deception of Satan, as the debt was owed to Satan, not to God. Satan was unaware of Christ’s divinity.
How is Christ interpreted as a Healer?
Heals humanity from hereditary corruption.
What is the name of the healing-from-corruption theory associated with Christ?
What does Recapitulation do?
Restores humanity to an in-corrupted state - but also renders the New Creation incorruptible.