The Control of Gene Expression: Gene Expression is Controlled by a Number of Features - Gene Expression and Cancer Flashcards
What is cancer?
- Uncontrolled cell division that leads to the formation of tumours
- Tumours that invade and destroy surrounding tissue are called cancers
What is a tumour?
- A mass of abnormal cells
Uncontrolled cell division can lead to the formation of what types of tumours?
- Benign tumours
- Malignant tumours
Malignant tumours
- Cancers
- Usually grow rapidly
- Invade and destroy surrounding tissues
- Cells can break off tumours and spread to other parts of the body in the bloodstream or lymphatic system (metastasis)
What is metastasis?
- The process by which cells break off from a primary tumour and spread to other areas of the body, forming secondary tumours
Benign tumours
- Not cancerous
- Usually grow slower than malignant tumours
- Often covered in fibrous tissue that stops cells invading other tissues
- Often harmless, but can cause blockages and put pressure on other organs
- Some benign tumours can become malignant
How do tumour cells differ from normal cells?
- Nucleus is larger and darker than in normal cells
- Tumour cells sometimes have more than one nucleus
- Tumour cells have an irregular shape
- Tumour cells don’t produce all the proteins needed to function correctly
- Tumour cells have different antigens
- Tumour cells don’t respond to growth regulating process
- Tumour cells divide by mitosis more frequently
Which types of genes control cell division?
- Tumour suppressor genes
- Proto-oncogenes
Describe the role of tumour suppressor genes do and how they are affected by mutations
• Healthy
- Tumour suppressor genes codes for proteins that inhibits cell division by causing cells to self-destruct (apoptosis)
• Mutation
- If tumour suppressor genes mutate, gene will be inactivated
- Protein it codes for isn’t produced and cells divide uncontrollably
What is apoptosis?
- Programmed cell death
- Where cells that are infected, damaged or have reached the end of their functional life are destroyed
Describe the role of proto-oncogenes and how they are affected by mutations
• Healthy
- Proto-oncogenes stimulate cell division by producing proteins that result in cell division
• Mutation
- If mutated, gene can become overactive and produce more proteins
- This stimulates cells to divide uncontrollably
- A mutated proto-oncogene is called an oncogene
What is a mutated proto-oncogene called?
- An oncogene
What can lead to the formation of tumours?
- Mutation of tumour suppressor genes
- Mutation of proto-oncogenes into oncogenes
- Abnormal methylation of tumour suppressor genes and
oncogenes - Increased oestrogen concentrations in the development of
some breast cancers
Abnormal methylation
- Methylation means adding a methyl (-CH3) group onto something
- Can control whether genes are expressed (transcribed and translated)
- Hypermethylation and hypomethylation can lead to the growth of tumours
What does hypermethylation and hypomethylation mean?
• Hypermethylation
- When too many methyl groups are added
• Hypomethylation
- When too little methyl groups are added
What types of genes can experience abnormal methylation? What type of abnormal methylation of these genes can lead to the formation of tumours?
- Hypermethylation of tumour suppressor genes
- Hypomethylation of protons-oncogenes
Hypermethylation of tumour suppressor genes
- Tumour suppressor genes aren’t transcribed
- Proteins they produce to inhibit cell division by initiating apoptosis aren’t made
- Cells are able to divide uncontrollably so tumours can develop
Hypomethylation of proto-oncogenes
- Leads to proto-oncogenes acting as oncogenes
- Increases the production of proteins that lead to cell division
- Stimulates cells to divide uncontrollably so tumours are formed
How can increased oestrogen concentrations lead to breast cancer?
- Exact reasons not fully understood
• Oestrogen can stimulate certain breast cells to divide
- More cell divisions mean this naturally increases the chance of mutations occurring
- If cells become cancerous, their uncontrolled cell division can be further assisted by oestrogen, helping tumours form
• Research suggests oestrogen can introduce mutations to DNA of certain breast cells
- Increases chance of cells becoming cancerous