The behavioural approach to explaining phobias. Flashcards
Mowrer (1960)
proposed a two process model to explain how phobias are formed and maintained
What did he say?
He stated that they are acquired by classical conditioning and maintained by operant conditioning - specifically negative reinforcement in that avoiding the thing you are afraid of reduces the anxiety you feel and as a result, the behaviour continues.
Classical conditioning
states that we learn through association between two things. For example, with phobia we learn a fear of something by associating it with something that makes us afraid already. (Little Albert)
Evaluation strength: good practical application
it has led to effective therapies such as systematic desensitisation which have patients unlearn their fear response by replacing it with one of relaxation.
Evaluation weakness: reductionist
fails to take into account the evolutionary basis of phobias in that it helped us in hunter gatherer times.
Evaluation weakness: phobias do not always follow trauma
there must be other reasons than associations that causes phobia.
Evaluation weakness: avoidance behaviour
is not just motivated by reduced anxiety, i.e agoraphobics feel safety in not leaving the house.