the battle of somme Flashcards
the battle of somme took place near the river somme in northern france between 24th june and 18th november 1916
it was commanded by general haig and aimed to divert german forces and atention away from french troups
McRaes battalion saw a 75% casualty rate during the battle of somme
haig believed that the german army could be defeated through a policy of attrition
a 7 day 24 hour artillery bombardment was planned and took place
it was estimated 1.5 million shells would be fired by 50,000 gunners (many of whome were scots) mines had also been dug under german lines and packed with up to 30 tonnes of high explosives
the british were confident they could destroy enemy trenches, machine gun posts, artillery and deep dugouts as well as cut barbed wire
however as scots advanced durring phase 1 of the battle (1st july) it became clear the bombardment had failed
the 15th royal scots aswell as others were met by deadly machine gun fire and artillery - 610 of there soldures where killed
scots were heavily involved in the atack at high wood durring phase two of the battle which took place between july - september
many atempts to occupy high wood had been unsuccessful but from early september the ground was taken which did support further advances
the 51st highland devision lost 3500 men as they attacked high wood
the final phase of the battle took place in november 1916 when the boys brigades bitalion fought their way into frankfurt trench but were left stranded
they managed to hold their barricaded section of the trench for one week despite the germans mounting a counter atack
they were motivated by their company sargent major george lee (a glasgow roads foreman in civilian life) however he died before the end of the somme
the battle of somme became known as the graveyard of kitchener’s army’s
by the end of the battle casualty rates were so high and the weather so bad that any further advances were called off
in total 314 scots officers and 7203 scot’s men of other ranks were killed at the somme