The autonomic nervous system Flashcards
What is the Autonomic nervous system
The Autonomic nervous system is a branch from the Peripheral nervous system
The Autonomic nervous system sends sensory impulses from internal structure through Afferent autonomic nerves to the brain
What is the Peripheral nervous system and what are the 2 divisions of it
One of the main nervous systems in the body
The Peripheral nervous system: Is all the nerve tissue outside of your brain and spinal cord
the 2 divisions of it are the Autonomic nervous system and the Somatic nervous system
What are Afferent and efferent neurons
- Afferent neurons: send signals from interal organs to the brain
- Efferent neruons: send signals from the brain to the internal organs
What are Preganglionic neurons & postganglionic neurons
- Preganglionic neurons: originate in the CNS and emerge from the spinal cord
- they relay the impluse through the Ganglionic transmitters
- Postganglionic neurons: terminate and stimulate the organ
What is a Ganglia and what do they allow the sympathetic nervous system to do?
a group of nerve cell bodies that are located in the CNS
* Allow the sympathetic system to: Increase HR, and increase BP
* By Increasing bloodflow to skeletal muscles
* Increasing blood flow to the heart
* releasing energystores in the body
* and dialating pupils and bronchi
* It does this by diverting blood from skin and other organs
What are the 2 subdivisons of the autonomic nervous system and what do they regulate
- The Sympathetic nervous system: Incharge of fight-or-flight system
-Dominant during periods of high stress and activity
-help regulate, Hypoglycemia, hypothermia, and trauma - The Parasympathetic nervous system: incharge of rest-and-digest
Where are they origin of sympathetic nerves and what are the 2 types?
- The originate in the thoracic and lumbar sections of the spinal cord
- Exit the spine via Spinal nerves which extend into 2 types of ganglia
- 1.sympathetic chain ganglia
- 2. collateral ganglia
Where do the parasympathetic nerves originate from and what do they innervate
- Originate from the brainstem and Sacral segments of the spinal cord
- 4 crainal nerves:
- 1.Oculomotor (III)
- Facial (VII)
- Pharyngeal (IX)
These nerves innervate most of the body including : Eyes, salvitory glands, ears, lungs, abdominal organs
The Sacral segments innervate the kidneys, urinary bladder, sexual organs and terminal large intestine
What is a neurotransmitter and receptor
- Neurotransmitter: A neurotransmitter is a signaling molecule secreted by a neuron to affect another cell across a synapse.
- Receptor:a region of tissue, or a molecule in a cell membrane, which responds specifically to a particular neurotransmitter, hormone, antigen, or other substance.
What is the 2 main neurotransmitters for the sympathetic system and what do they do
- Epinepherine: primary neurotransmitter that activates the Beta-1 adrenergic receptor in the heart
- It increases the rate of contractions, the conduction volume and force of ventricular contraction that = increase systemic HR and BP
- Norepinephrine: This is relased by the Adrenergic nerve fibers
What does Sympathomimetic and Sympatholytic mean?
- Sympathomimetic: is effects mimicing/resembling those caused by stimulation of the sympathetic system
- A injection of epinephrine will cause sympathomimetic symptoms
- Sympatholytic: is interfering/inhibiting the impulse from the sympathetic nerve fibers
What is the main neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic nervous system
Acetylcholine (ACh)
What are the adrenal hormones that act as chemical messengers?
The adrenal hormones are called **catecholamines ** and the 2 main ones are epinephrine and norepinephrine.
What is the role of the Somatic nervous system?
It controls the voluntary actions and relays sensory information from the skin and skeletal muscles
What are Somatic sensory fibers and what information do they relay
Somatic senory fibers are fibers that transmit sensory information to the CNS
* Pain
* touch
* temperature
* proprioceptions
What are Somatic motor fibers
Somatic motor fibers are incontrol of voluntary actions of the body and only innervate the skeletal muscles
How can the vagus nerve be stimulate?
- Pressure on the carotid sinus
- Straining against a closed glottis (valsalva manoeuver)
- Distension of a hollow organ
- Straining during a bowel movement