The auditory system 09.02.23 Flashcards
What is sound?
The displacement of air particles following a sinusoidal pattern of compression and rarefacation
What does a bigger amplitude mean for sound?
The bigger the amplitude of the sound wave, the louder the sound
What is the range of human hearing?
20Hz - 20KHz
- This range will change during our life
How is sound transferred or moved in the outer, middle and inner ear?
Outer - air
Middle - air
Inner - fluid
What is the pinna?
It is the cartilaginous structure that we can see on the outside of the ear
How is the pinna formed?
- From pharyngeal arches 1 and 2
- It has 6 Hillocks of His
- Formed between the 10th and 18th week in utero
- The outer ear forms independently to the inner ear
What is the role of the pinna?
- It directs sound waves towards the ear canal
- It has folds in the ear that selectively filters sounds
What is the ear drum also called?
The tympanic membrane
What shape is the eardrum?
It is not flat but curved towards us
What are the top 1/3 and bottom 1/3 of the eardrum called?
Top: Pars Flaccida
Bottom: Pars Tensa
How big is the eardrum?
8 x 10mm diameter
84mm2 - 55mm2
(About the size of your pinky fingernail)
What are the three bones in the middle ear called?
- Malleus
- Incus
- Stapes
What are the two muscles in the middle ear called?
- Tensor Tympani
- Stapedius
What is the tube in the middle ear called?
Eustachian tube
What is the role of the middle ear?
Acoustic impedance match between air and fluid-filled inner ear
(converting air to fluid)
How much energy is lost transferring air to fluid?
How does the middle ear create a sound vibration?
- The eardrum is concentrating sound onto a small area (area of stapes) (14:1 SA difference)
- This amplification makes it louder
How does the ossicles create a movement?
- It acts as a lever
- Creating a moment force which in turn creates a small force onto the stapes
How much longer is the handle of malleus compared to the incus?
1.3 times longer
What is the role of muscles in the middle ear?
- They protect the inner ear from acoustic trauma
- Stiffens the ossciular chain
What does the stapedius muscle do?
- It is stimulated acoustically
- It has a reflex arc of 3 or 4 neurons
- 25ms reaction time